Website owner: James Miller
Topically Arranged Proverbs, Precepts, Quotations. Common Sayings. Poor Richard's Almanac.
On Self-sufficient Country Living, Homesteading
Mathematics, physics, and chemistry notes
Bible online -
Jesus Christ and His Teachings
Way of enlightenment, wisdom, and understanding
I am Understanding. Only he who seeks me will find me.
God has given with great generosity. Man is an ingrate.
How does one become a Christian?
America, the wicked, shameless land
The age-old conflict between Good and Evil. The philosophy of tolerance. Immorality in America.
Theory on the Formation of Character
America, a corrupt, depraved, shameless country
Our Mental Makeup --- Process by which it is Formed
Alfred Kinsey, father of the great sexual revolution
The Spirit of God within Us --- the Mark of True Sonship
Success is the Accumulative Result of Lifelong Habits
People are like radio tuners --- they pick out and listen to one wavelength and ignore the rest
Cause of Character Traits --- According to Aristotle
The Bible --- God's Instruction Manual for Man
The loyal and affectionate dog --- a good example for people
God's Way Dispels Fear and Lack of Confidence
Ways People Squander Their Money
People are like plants --- they grow up healthy and strong in a healthy environment
Attitudes are transmitted from one person to another
We are what we eat --- living under the discipline of a diet
Virtue is smart, badness is dumb
Avoiding problems and trouble in life
The secret to mental health lies in pursuit of goodness and virtue
Does one follow feelings or mind?
People viewed as being made up of different combinations of ingredients
Role of habit in formation of character
Playboy magazine versus the Bible
Unhappy people often misdiagnose the cause of their problem
Slaves to high sounding ideas and doctrine
It is better to ignore some kinds of truth
Moral erosion comes through repeated exposure to evil
Responsibility and irresponsibility
Proper spirit of the true Christian
The ability to concentrate --- the key to success in school studies
Look to good sense for guidance in life
Christianity and self-deception
Finding the right priorities and values in this life
Christianity is simple --- not complicated
Stand off from a thing --- get away from it --- the key to perspective and understanding
Attacking an inferiority complex by rational argument
Effects of intensive indoctrination
Salient teachings of the New Testament
Distinguishing marks of religious fanaticism
Recipe for living --- good principles and good sense
Prudence, good judgment or good taste often dictate silence
Ebb and flow of interacting forces in western society
Following the voice of wisdom and good sense
How could we possibly make it without all our hoards of illustrious experts?
Is the clean, straight, religious loner dangerous to society?
Cause of suppressed inner anger
Mental characteristics and abilities
Resolution of emotional problems
Too much reading of romantic novels can addle the mind
Personal circumstances --- the thing that separates us
Things which reveal a person's feelings
Wickedness brings its own destruction
We become what our minds make us
The "brazen hussy" personality
Many decisions involve choosing between alternative packages
Choosing the "best" from several possible alternatives
Today is the result of the decisions and actions, good and bad, of yesterday
The two basic personality types
Types of mental activity: dreaming, thinking, reading
People's minds work in different ways
Why did so many kids pick on me back in my school days?
Sources of unhappiness, misery and suffering in man
On teaching of Socrates: we do wrong due to ignorance
Cause of the personality trait of being unobservant
Some people have the ability to see dangers in situations - -- others do not
It is not only the dictator of the country but the dictator in the office that makes life miserable
Basic and important elements in my conception of God
The higher nature and the lower nature of man in perpetual conflict
Carefulness, caution --- pronounced personality traits of mine
Strongly pronounced personality traits of mine
How does a young child see the world around him? Odors, sensations, impressions
A life-long policy --- I never call people names
Personality traits that set me apart
We build upon the work of others
God's creation --- a mixture of order and disorder
Advice given by President Reagan to a friend
My greatest need as a boy --- time to think, reflect and "sort things out"
Source of my moral, spiritual and intellectual outlooks
Legitimate and important to consider the spirit of a thing
Vicious circles, traps, nets, chain reactions
Cause of touchiness and explosiveness
Sexual attraction; the conflicting needs within man
Some strong traits in my personality
Temptation and the need for self-discipline
My objections to sending children to our modern school system
Causes of emotional hurt, emotional disturbance, psychic damage
Estimated cost of operating a 1992 Chevrolet Caprice station wagon
How much do cars cost a person over his lifetime?
Four areas in which people waste money
Effect of saving $10,000 per year for 50 years
The careful, conscientious person is a target of bias and discrimination
Terms used to describe Satan in the Bible
The values of our culture are all upside down and turned around
Fear God and keep his commandments --- for this is the whole duty of man
The way of God, of true spiritual knowledge, of true religion
Restrained to the Path of Right
Sins for which God prescribed the death penalty in the Old Testament
Inherent rights implicit to ownership
The job plays a fundamental, key role in one's happiness and mental health
How do the attitudes of modern America compare with those of the Bible?
Achieving harmony in human relations
Quotations from the Book of Proverbs
How well do we ever really get to know a person?
My personal regimen for good health
When the superior is under the thumb of the inferior
Formula for computing the cost of things
Advantages to living in the city
Traits characterizing the rational mind
You must play the game of life with intelligence, judgment and common sense
Why don't I do it? It is not permitted.
The importance of personal habits which are conducive to harmony in interpersonal relationships
Personality traits --- neatness, sloppiness, love of embellishment
Effects of liberal social legislation
I am wisdom, I am understanding
Exterior and interior focus --- sensual and abstracted orientations
Book value --- significance to the value of a stock
Prayer of Rev. Joe Wright in Kansas state legislature
Source of the personality traits of self-reliance and independence
America -- a competitive, dog-eat-dog world
I can't be hurried -- I have to work at my own pace
The romantic mind vs. the mind of the realist
Foolishness is attracted to foolishness, wisdom is attracted to wisdom
Most of humanity pursues escapism
I follow my sense, intuition and feelings
Beauty: an honest, upright person
Rural life in third world countries
Effect of increasing interest rates on stocks
A cold, hard, central fact of life
Principles for living: an underlying principle
Underlying traits that lead to mental development, intellectual development
Every man must find himself, work out his own philosophy toward life
An infinity of wrong ways --- one right way
Mechanisms by which moral values are broken down
Basic philosophies and assumptions tacitly held by the ungodly
Simplicity, Goodness and Truth
A definite conversion experience
We impute to others our own thoughts and feelings
Various kinds of intelligence and mental ability
Key to finding happiness and personal balance
Three types of spiritual discrepancies that can be sources of emotional problems
Steps to curing emotional problems
Generalizations, Extremes, Raising Children
Actions speak louder than words
Badness not comfortable around goodness
Inhibitions --- modern society's fight against them
Root and source of my dislike of modern liberalism
Worthwhile spiritual objectives
On causes of boldness and shyness
Causes of boldness and shyness
Approval of people or approval of God?
Cause of unhappiness with ourselves
On imagination and fantasizing
The important questions of life
The highest religion, the highest spirituality
Things which reveal one's character
The most important goal: wisdom, understanding
Causes of unhappiness and misery in man
Impatience and nonacceptance --- a frequent cause of abuse
The overbearing taskmaster --- the age-old tormentor of man
Techniques used by Satan to gain souls for himself
Forms that abuse of an employee by his boss can take
That which keeps me on the right road
Connection between harshness in punishment of crime and social morality
Who wins in this world --- the bad or the good --- depends on your definition of success
So many people are prisoners of their own minds and habits
Sources of problems in marriage
Bad treatment yields badness --- good treatment yields goodness
Americans --- What they are is revealed by their tastes
What I look for in a person --- traits that are important to me
Source of good character and virtue
Cause of teenage confusion and depression
Life --- a mixture of good and bad
Jobs, competition and the law of survival of the fittest
Man's basic requirement for food puts him at the mercy of others
The Basic Sexual Nature of Man
The honest love, affection, and loyalty of your mate --- the most important thing in life
The key to thrift --- minimize outgo
Importance of courage and moral strength to being a Christian
Importance of a good disposition to finding happiness in life
Prerequisites to a happy marriage
Differences between the way of life of wild animals and that of humans
A prominent aspect of my personality --- a love for efficiency
Achieving happiness in life --- a matter of the right strategies
Self-imposed discipline and regimentation
Bad habits are passed on from father to son and from son to grandson
The frustrating quest for spiritual truth
Origin of many of my personality traits
The Basic Sexual Nature of Man
Falling in love --- a deceptive trick of nature
What should one look for in a potential mate?
Causes of problems in marriages
What is wrong with premarital sex?
Two important personality traits
Conscience requires one to thwart natural inclination and take an unnatural route
Factors that determine what people do
Marriage is like a game --- it must be played by a set of rules
To be happy one must play the game of life by the rules
How personal weaknesses can be turned into strength
On the decision to have children
Importance of the concepts of risk and danger
The heart and core of true religion --- self- denial
Direct your energies toward that which you have control over
American moral corruption, the end product of liberal social thought
Important goals for good mental health
Why do American students do so much poorer than Japanese students in school?
The IQ concept versus the philosophy of hard work
Should you have children? Things to consider.
The institutions of a society depend on the character of the people of the society
Similarities between America and the ancient city of Sodom
We are all part of the web of life
What is a corrupt, depraved society. Describe it.
People are attracted to that which is destructive to them
Resentment, bitterness, inner anger --- how they get started
Life is like a minefield --- one must be careful about where he steps
Promising easily, promising slowly --- two opposite personalities
The good are trampled and the evil rise to the top
The facts of life --- feed troughs only able to accomodate a few --- competition for a place
He who requires the approval of the crowd is a slave
Good mental health depends on healthy relationships of three types
We are all basically alone in our journey through life
People treat you as you treat them
A view of the world is formed in our childhood years
Survival, need for a livelihood, competition for jobs
Life is filled with nets, traps, deceptions and dangers
The central role played by the need for the necessities of life
The heart of a good deal of virtue is the practice of exercising restraint
Biblical position in regard to this world
We are continually surrounded by temptation to do that which is harmful to us
Welfare --- like people riding in a cart
The most basic, most important, underlying fact of life
Accepting ourselves as we are --- with all our inabilities and deficiencies
The cost to society of sexual immorality
The invisible emotional bonds of marriage
We are spirits imprisoned within bodies
A secret to happy living: reducing risk
Some of the evils of life: the Good under the power and authority of the Bad
Long-time priorities in my life
My views on the topic of pleasure
The job --- one of the main sources of frustrations in life
Cause of the personality trait of methodicalness
Things characteristic of childhood, things characteristic of adulthood
The most important things in life
The habit of taking the time to do things properly
The love of spending money --- one of the self- destructive traits
This is no society in which to raise children
On violent crime in our society
The facts of life --- a job is like a place at a table
The Achilles' heel of all of us: sex
Moral perversion comes in steps
Temperance and self-denial as a way of life
Teach these as the fundamentals for living life
A nightmare scenario for America, Year 2030
The healthy, well-balanced mind
The book of Psalms reveals the heart of the godly man
The welfare state. Is it wise in its shielding of the foolish from the consequences of foolishness?
We are constantly surrounded with attractively packaged poisons being offered to us
Our complex, technological society is making unrealistic demands
Personality traits tend to appear in groups
The new religion of the new America
How does one achieve important goals?
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is strict and stern
The Way of God and the Way of the World
Ways of getting what you want in life
In true Christianity morality is a requirement, not an option
The concept of hell is central to Biblical teaching
Modern Christianity is a gross perversion of true Christianity
You see life according to how you yourself are
The Forces of Darkness grow stronger and stronger
Sin leads into a vicious circle
Religious Liberalism; Humanism
Mindset of the winner and the loser
On Laziness and Industriousness
Formula for Economic Development
On Baptist / Evangelical Belief and Practice
A Strategy Meeting at Satan's Headquarters
My mind and will work together as a team
In nature, the truth is usually hidden
A sure recipe for ruining your child
Born into a world of hardship and struggle
Personal attributes of the true Christian
Christians are commanded to be sober
Satanic Lie and Delusion --- Apostate Christianity
On personal judgment, sense and discernment
One of my pronounced personality traits
Frugality, the parent of many good things
Allocation of Limited Resources
On healthy human relationships
Self-control, self-restraint, self-discipline basic to so much in life
One is your teacher, the Christ
How character traits are acquired
IQ Concept and Standardized Tests
On dishonesty in speech and thought
Cause of Emotional Disturbance
What determines a person's character?
Love of God and love of virtue are closely united
Impediments to the proper working of the rational mind
Ingredients of the calm, quiet mind of good mental health. Causes of mental problems.
Mental balance, mental imbalance
A problem encountered by children
Preserving our natural resources
Intellectual disparities among people and the power in good habits
Tools of Satan. Tactics and Tricks used by the Devil.
Faculties of the mind -- man and animals
True Christianity is about Fear of God, Obedience, Practice
God's purpose for the Christian
You don't believe in a God? Explain this.
Biblical attitude on fornication and adultery
You would be a Christian? What must you do?
America --- A Society that has lost its Spiritual Moorings
The spiritual principles taught by Jesus are also found in the Old Testament
The Way of Jesus is the Way of Wisdom and Understanding spoken of in the Book of Proverbs
True Christianity is about having the spirit of Jesus Christ dwelling within you
The Natural Way -- The Unnatural Way
Wisdom, Reason and Virtue are closely related
Knowledge is one thing, wisdom is another
My views on Christianity in America
The most important thing in life is understanding
Stay away from these demons: Pride, Anger, Hatred, Lust, Envy and Jealousy
The greatest and best happiness
We are all examples --- for good or for bad
The easy message sells easy, the hard message sells hard
Perseverance and self-reliance, two really important assets in our journey through life
Television --- spiritual poison
A momentous occurrence in my life
Cause of inferiority feelings and lack of confidence
Lack of confidence, the inferiority complex --- the causes
On intelligence. The IQ concept.
One cause of lack of confidence and the inferiority complex
Proneness to stupidities causing loss of self-confidence and inferiority complex
Nature predisposes some children to shyness, lack of confidence, inferiority complex
Causes of fears associated with lack of confidence, inferiority complex
On self-confidence --- and lack of it. The inferiority complex
Confidence and lack of confidence
Causes of lack of confidence and inferiority complexes
Cause of lack of confidence, inferiority complex
Cause of the inferiority complex, lack of confidence
Theory of intelligence --- IQ concept
The Prime Mover that decides "What We Are"
Where do our outlooks, attitudes and values come from?
Sin is serious business. The punishment for it is real. Hell is real.
Children turning in their parents
What causes the character trait of carelessness?
The key to a long life: conscientious habits
Gold as a hedge against inflation
On the Koran and Islamic Belief and Outlook
Stance of the Koran on Jesus and Christianity
Islamic Hatred, Bigotry and Violence
How can a country defend itself against an enemy like this?
Christianity v.s. Islam, a Comparison
A sense of duty, of moral obligation; a sense of "Ought To"; a sense of responsibility
Character --- and lack of it. Personality patterns.
The need for social acceptance and approval --- its power
Masculine and feminine personality traits
The most important things in life
Reasons for shoddy workmanship in our society
John the Baptist preached a fire-and-brimstone message
Who were the great antagonists of Jesus?
Dilemmas. Societal problems. Socialism in America.
Most of the tacit assumptions of society are wrong
Things that wreak havoc on lives
Where a warning is a hate crime
The way of sin is the natural way. God's way is an unnatural way.
Oriental children become doctors while American children become waiters
Chains. Habits have consequences.
An old story - man's rebellion against God
America is a godless ideological state that tells its people how they must think, feel and act
It was Hell, the final abode of the Damned
Most people are not interested in Truth
Is salvation by faith or by works?
On the 'just believe in Jesus' message
Obeying God, following in the way taught by Jesus
The living water, the bread of life
Meaning of "Love your neighbor"
The wicked rule, the righteous are suppressed
Man is a moral being, endowed with knowledge of right and wrong, and accountable to God
Two alternative starting assumptions and two conclusions
Consequences of the habit of wrong-doing
The primary focus of Christianity should be on obedience
Why schools are turning out people who can't read or write
On effecting change in a person's basic nature
Two ways: The way of the world and God's way
Our society has created a new religion with a great hatred for God and Christianity
Christianity everywhere has become perverted, corrupted and apostate
America has erected the standard of Sodom and Gomorrah and Americans are ordered to follow
On integrity and the lack of it
The test of a person's Christianity is what he is
Ninety five percent of the problems that most people have come from personal foolishness
Liberalism, socialism and the modern welfare state
The desire to harm, a motivation for conduct
The proper and just solution to the welfare problem
It is all a matter of viewpoint
The bad news and the good news
The crafty preying on the foolish and weak
The way of truth and light is a way traveled by few
How does one achieve happiness in life?
The free market just supplies what people want
What did Jesus mean by loving your neighbor? What is its opposite?
The frustration of computer problems
Forty years of homosexual propaganda
What are the most moral countries of the world?
Inherent rights. The inherent right of private ownership. The inherent right to discriminate.
It takes a real fool to not believe in a God
The anti-Christian climate in America today
What determines my opinion of a person?
Homosexuality, depravity of the highest order
The heart and essence of what Christianity is about
The modern western world is hostile to Christianity
The West has become highly depraved and is on the express lane to hell
Most and least religious countries of the world
US Supreme Court decision: homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry.
Gallop survey on American attitudes on various social issues
An Amish girl's reaction to depraved western culture
Does the democratic American style of government contain fundamental and fatal flaws?
A depraved, dissolute, sick society given over to lust and sex. America.
On language: profanity, cursing, vulgar language
Distinguishing characteristics of a true Christian
The great war being carried on against God, Christianity, Morality, Virtue and Goodness
People follow other people, they copy
On conscience, sensuality and shame
On argument and strife in marriage
Spectators see better than actors
Let your conduct always flow from a calm, quiet, humble mind
The importance of doing those things that you ought to do and doing them promptly
God is merciful and forgiving to those who fear and serve him
A traumatic experience in my sophomore year in high school
Some quotations from Poor Richard's Almanac
What are the chances of finding a good spouse in our society?
The manipulation of the mind of America
On things like "sexting" and pornography
The process of corrupting a society is analogous to cooking a frog
By what process does a person become depraved?
Mankind is capable of sinking to the very deepest depths of depravity
True Christianity is chaste, decent, morally pure, good, virtuous
A materialistic, hedonistic world pursues pleasure as the main object of life
Most of Christianity is apostate and false
Assumptions, beliefs, and opinions underlie conduct and behavior
On the gigantic distance that America has gotten from true Christianity
Wisdom calls: Get wisdom! Get understanding!
There is a higher law that transcends the laws of men
Our country has squandered trillions foolishly and it just keeps spending
On liberalism, socialism and the welfare state
On the practice of giving entrance exams for entry into secondary school
The problem is the tendency of people to trust authority
Two fundamental facts about Christianity that a Christian needs to always keep in mind
We are now in the new, progressive, enlightened America
To really understand Christian churches it is important to observe what is being omitted, neglected
Scriptures on the way to be saved
America is a licentious, depraved Sodom
Christianity is a way of goodness, chastity, moral purity
The Spirit of Christ which lives within a true Christian
Doctrine of the elect, the chosen
Demons that can take possession of a person and destroy him
On inflation, the rate of inflation, and the erosion of the dollar
On Microsoft, computer problems, and abuse of power
The root cause of western depravity is modern western thought, outlook, philosophy
Let us just strip the wealthy of their wealth and divide it among ourselves!
High religiousness; high selfishness, greed, badness
A fool and his money are soon parted
On the flood of political correctness that has so taken over the western world
Which countries of the world are the most sexually promiscuous?
Connection between the hippie generation and the great moral collapse of America
Modern inventions have dramatically changed the world
On the free market system and the necessity for its regulation
Walking away from an inferiority complex
Good people, but a false religion
The West is on an express train bound for Hell
Natural rights, anti-discrimination laws, hate speech laws, and foolishness
Elementary accounting concepts
I am the way. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Words of Jesus.
Dating in non-western countries
Mankind's propensity toward intellectual and spiritual error
We are saved solely by the blood of Jesus, not by works or merit of our own
Connection between the personality trait of frugality and personal happiness
On sympathy and pity and lack of it
The fallacy in the western socialistic welfare model
Political correctness: public advocacy of vice
The culture war here in America. What is it?
Modern liberalism is highly dishonest, highly deceitful, not to be trusted at all
We humans seldom succeed and prosper by following the crowd and doing what's popular
On sin, wrongdoing and conscience
Homosexuality, high wickedness
The right road and the wrong road, the easy road and the hard road
America, lost to Goodness, lost to God
Mankind's inclination toward war
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
She is an enigma inside an enigma!
Quotations of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle on education
On education and the modern school system
What is the secret to mental growth, intellectual development?
Why are some people very gregarious and others not?
The decline from democracy to tyranny is both a natural and inevitable one
Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy Magazine, has just died at age 91
Today's liberal left is like a big Gay Pride parade
Truth, Righteousness, and Faith --- the Christian's armor against the fiery darts of Satan
Watch out! Be careful! They want something!
Old-fashioned morality is a central component of true Christianity
On a proposed sex-education school curriculum
The important truths of life must be discovered by yourself
Americans just don't know how to live life
Views of college-educated Democrats and Republicans on homosexuality
What brings the wrath of God down on the heads of man?
Humankind --- slaves to various lusts and pleasures, malice, envy, and hate
Christianity replaced by secular humanism in the West
A walk through a Safeway supermarket
On strait-laced, puritanical, bigoted, intolerant people
How is a Christian supposed to treat others? With patience, kindness, and gentleness.
A fact of life: It is a messed up world!
What is the secret to a happy life?
Education does not produce character
America. Cultural foolishness.
We live in a godless, post-Christian America
How are the beliefs of a particular society or culture created?
Homosexuality is a sexual perversion
The fundamental importance of trust
People listen to only those things they want to hear
Scripture on Christian apostasy
On oriental etiquette and the importance of face
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free
America is now divided into two hostile camps, each with a deep, visceral hatred of the other
The wise man is a man of action
Personal morality is the measure of a man, a culture, a society, or a country
The serious person verses the unserious, easygoing person
The self-perpetuating cycle behind a market bubble
On rape, age of consent, age of majority, sex education, and teenage dating
The intellectual foolishness of modern liberalism
America, the porn capital of the world
I confess to extreme ignorance
On Civil Asset Forfeiture in the United States
The murderous gangs of Latin America
Adjectives describing a true Christian
Bad actions and conduct begin with wrong, bad thoughts
Orwell's 1984 will help you understand 2019 America
The modern West is depraved, perverted and degenerate
A basic fact of life: life is filled with foolishness
Real Christianity is about obedience, practice
The "politically correct" liberal left
An epiphany. Why the world is so messed up.
America, friend of the Depraved, enemy of the Good
The virtuous man is driven by a sense of moral responsibility; the bad man by the love of money
3 of the Most Telling Failures of Socialism
The LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire
Modern technology is neither good nor bad in itself, it is a facilitator
God's promise to bless Abraham and his descendants
Some thoughts and observations
It is all a matter of cultural viewpoint
This man has just spoken more sense than I have heard in a long, long time
What is wrong with the welfare program?
What did Jesus mean when he said, "Whosoever believes in me will be saved"?
The absurd, inane, farcical, asinine, politically correct liberal left
On indoctrination and deception
Teenage freedom and its consequences
His blood be on us, and on our children
Evidence supporting the validity of the Christian religion
At the end of the day all men are about two things: alcohol and sex.
On Christianity, hell, repentance, righteousness, and self-control
The sensual, carnal, depraved, hedonistic West
The apostle Paul's teaching: Christians are not subject to Mosaic law and traditions
Christianity calls for kindness and flexibility in our treatment of other people
The Bible on fornication and adultery
God chose to reveal himself to the world via the Jewish people
A great many people make mistakes all of the time in almost everything they do
The healthy, well-balanced mind
The western liberal, down on the white male, is self-deceived
The problem of choosing from among several options
Formative influences in my life
I am diplomatic in person but say what I think on my website
Is this CoronaVirus pandemic that the world is going through punishment from God?
How much damage one can do to himself in only a couple of minutes by a single rash, foolish action!
This Coronavirus is a monster that could be devastating if allowed to go unchecked
Black demonstrations, rioting, looting, and burning over alleged police brutality in America
The liberal left sows hatred and attempts to put Whites on a guilt trip
The capitalistic system has lifted mankind out of mass poverty
Life is just full of lie, falsehood, pretense, and hypocrisy
Liberals are trying to install Marxism in America
Fired from AT&T for having conservative views
The good society and the bad society
Rules, laws, and prohibitions versus liberty and freedom
Is there a widespread bias against Blacks in America?
Moral breakdown of the West revealed in the statistics on rates of child illegitimacy
Statistics on percentage of men who engage prostitutes --- by country
Resisting a great force. Struggle.
Humiliation, emotional upsets, self-doubt, inferiority complex
The Left is powerful and is out to bring this system down and replace it with Marxism!
Christianity and Monophysite belief
The Christian concept of the Trinity
It is not just ability and natural advantage that determines success
A message to anyone who feels like "Winston" in Orwell's 1984
A great knight in shining armor fighting the Forces of Evil
Statistics on Blacks and Hispanics in America
If you don't accept homosexuality you are a hater
An absurd look at the Marxist, ultra-woke "education" system in 2021
Importance of laws, rules, and regulations in a society
At a certain point, even the Gestapo had to stop cancelling people
On Covid mask-wearing and politics
Did Derek Chauvin get a fair trial?
True Christianity is not about Christian activism
There is an understanding of right and wrong that transcends religion and culture
What is the secret to good health?
The fundamental and unshakeable conviction that rules my life
Political correctness leads to a society of Lie, Falsehood, and Sham
Miracle of Miracles by Mina Nevisa
The USA will proudly fly Gay Pride flags at all US Embassies around the world on Gay Pride Day
You don't trash a person on the basis of a couple of weaknesses or inabilities
Philosophy as well as foppery often changes fashion
You shall teach them diligently to your children
You have to be prepared for a future with more Black Swan events
One of the most basic and important laws of life: You tend to get back what you give out.
Unmasking Islam's innate deceptions
Things from which I have received intellectual and spiritual benefit
On sin, personal habits, philosophy of living, and cell phones
Flexibility and humility are critically important elements for a good marriage
The importance of common sense, intuition, and instinct in guiding one right
One man's junk is another man's treasure
Insightful articles
Pain wastes the Body, Pleasures the Understanding
The good guys and the bad guys
The core message of the New Testament
The secret to the economic success of America
Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine
It is dangerous to attach one's self to the crowd
Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy
My transition to a calm, relaxed, laid-back person
On mental health and the kind of things that cause mental problems
The biggest issue to me in this country is this and none other: the legitimization of homosexuality
On the importance of forgiveness
On dogmatic, doctrinaire systems. Communism.
Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account of it in the day of judgment
On concentration, methods of teaching, and schools
This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me
The decline in the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States
Five things totalitarian governments always do
Some reflections on the trustworthiness of the Bible
The homeless problem in America
On responding to Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine
Ideas so dumb that only an intellectual would believe them
How do you understand today's dollar based money system?
The importance of a cheerful spirit
The weeds have completely taken over and the battle is lost
Explain what a true Christian is
What determines what kind of person someone becomes in life?
The modern single and casual sex
Cause of blighted areas across America
Poverty in West Virginia coal country
On governmental ineptness and the importance of self-reliance
The Liberal Left, homosexuality, sex change operations, and the preoccupation with personal pronouns
Regarding mental telepathy and psychic powers
Activities that have given me the greatest pleasure
Weapons of Mass Corruption. David Horowitz Freedom Center.
When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Threatens Lives. Heather Mac Donald
"Speechless. Silencing the Christians" by Rev. Donald E. Wildmon
Cause of feeling mixed up, confused, frustrated
On intellectualism, liberalism and the Left. Thomas Sowell.
Twelve things people waste their money on
How does one corrupt a person?
The constrained and unconstrained visions
Cause of high Black crime rate and poor school performance
Patients lying to their doctors
Three liberal programs of the 1960's that failed
Everyone receives a cultural stamp as he grows up
On systemic discrimination against blacks
Why are some countries wealthy and others poor?
The new woke legal policies introduced in the 1960s and their consequences
The manipulative vocabulary of the anointed
Thomas Sowell. The grasshopper and ant.
Race, ethnicity, and diversity training
Higher education and low comedy. Thomas Sowell.
Goodbye to Sara and Benjamin? Thomas Sowell
Reasons for the cultural lags in the Indian civilizations of the Americas
Thomas Sowell. Random Thoughts
The cause of the problems of American Blacks
On the cause of the hatred of Jews
The implicit assumption of superior knowledge among intellectual elites
Income distribution in the United States
The real truth behind the pretense of the Left
Crime and the intellectual in the United States and Great Britain
Social justice and results-oriented law
The liberal pacifism of the 1920's and 1930's
Intellectuals, IQ, race, and multiculturalism
Why so many young black males end up in prison
On love, dating, sex and marriage
We live in a world of falsehood
A glimpse into the current Woke America
The calamity that is American Education
Evil, anti-Christian forces brainwashing children in our school system
Why some people are winners and others are losers
Assorted Dogmas in American Education
Affirmative action programs in colleges
High depravity, social agendas, and political correctness in America's colleges and universities
The housing boom and bust of the early 2000's
Western Civilization under Siege
Throwing money --- and intercepting it
Public school teachers in the United States
The Leftist concept of sin is different than the Biblical concept
Equality, Inequality, and Fate
Why Economists are not Popular
The Grand Fraud --- affirmative action
The War on Poverty program of 1964
The Left's Vision
Chicken Little and Carcinogens
Discrimination charges based on under-representation
The Fight over School Vouchers
Preferential treatment policies --- Lessons from Sri Lanka
Preferential treatment around the world
Government-mandated preferential treatment in Malaysia
An "Epidemic" of Irresponsibility
Thomas Sowell. From Marxism to the Market
Malthusian overpopulation theory
Communism versus Capitalism --- Central Planning
versus Markets
Tucker Carlson interview of El Salvadorian president
Nayib Bukele
Safety crusaders --- Public interest organizations
devoted to public safety
The Left: 233 years of failure and still going strong ...
Misunderstanding the Marshal Plan
Will Chemical Weapons be Banned?
The Century of the Intellectual
Successful Schools and Failing Politics
Random Thoughts. Thomas Sowell.
Government. John Stossel. Give Me a Break
John Stossel. Liberalism. Feminism. Environmentalism.
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Cultural attitudes and economic development
Geographical influences on economic development
DEI. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Secrets and lies in the mainstream media
He who has knowledge spares his words
Shortcomings, imperfections of the Free Enterprise
The gigantic chasm that exists between the mind of the
atheist and the mind of the Christian
Unmasking The "Civil Rights" Scam
Over the last four years 10 million people have crossed
over our southern border
All government money comes from you and I
Inside the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh
On maintaining happiness in marriage
MIT Educated Neurosurgeon who quit his job
Interviews with Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore
Conservative countries and liberal countries
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Website owner: James Miller NOTE. This website has no affiliation or connection with any group, organization or religious denomination. All views and outlooks expressed are strictly those of the owner.