Website owner: James Miller
Following are some quotations on the topic of habit: Habit is the deepest law of human nature. Carlyle We are all the time following the influences which will presently be our rulers; We are making our own destiny. We are choosing our habits, our associates, our traits, our homes. In time these acquire a power over us which enslaves our will, and from them we neither will nor can break loose. H. L. Wayland We first make our habits then our habits make us. Habits are to the soul what the veins and arteries are to the blood, the courses in which it moves. Horace Bushnell Habits are the petrifaction of feelings. L. E. Landon Habits work more constantly and with greater force than reason, which, when we have most need of it, is seldom fairly consulted, and more rarely obeyed. Loche Habit is the child of impulse. There is in human life the period of impulse, when habit is nothing; and there is the period of habit, when impulse is nothing. Young persons are creatures of impulse; old persons are creatures of habit. Almost every thing is impulse with a small child, and nothing can be called habit; almost everything is habit in the second childhood of old age, and there is very little that can be called impulse. G. B. Cheever The habit of virtue cannot be formed in a closet; good habits are formed by acts of reason in a persevering struggle with temptation. B. Gilpin Good habits: - truthfulness - honesty - caution - cheerfulness - kindness - consideration for others - charitableness - temperance - peacefulness - industriousness - diligence - carefulness, conscientiousness - perseverance - courtesy - patience - purity of language - control of language - justness - fairness - chastity - decency - self-control - self-denial - thoughtfulness, reflectiveness - seriousness - humility - modesty - reasonableness - ignoring wrongs done to us - looking to reason and conscience for personal guidance - frugality - self-reliance - flexibility and understanding in relations with others - contentment with little - control of temper - courage - high-mindedness - pursuit of truth, understanding - skeptical, examining mind - analytical mind Bad habits - lying, deceit - dishonesty - rashness - carelessness - impulsiveness - impetuousness - argumentativeness - pugnaciousness - laziness - profligacy - unconcern for others - selfishness - self-centeredness - pride, arrogance - unchastity, indecency - low language - sourness - nastiness, surliness - rudeness - unjustness - self-indulgence - lack of self-control - quick temper - spendthriftiness - maliciousness - spitefulness - envy - unreasonableness, arbitrariness, obstinacy - cowardice - low-mindedness - drinking, smoking, using drugs, etc. - swearing The habits that define us are mostly formed in our youth. We follow the influences of the spirit that rules us and habit patterns and mental tendencies develop. Some people are partial to what is right, good, moral and decent. Others are most comfortable wallowing in mud, dirt and filth. We become what we value, esteem, like. If we admire gangster types that is what we become. If we admire upright, god-fearing, decent types that is what we become. We follow our feelings, instincts and impulses and habits develop. We develop attitudes, values, outlooks and philosophies in our youth and from these attitudes, values, etc. habits develop. Some of us become people who care about others. Others become people who would sell out their own parents. What we are is the sum total of all our habits. The thoughtful among us think, question, examine, study and observe and from our thoughts, deductions and conclusions habits develop (our habits reflect the conclusions and opinions we have reached in life). The unthoughtful just thoughtlessly follow the crowd, usually follow base appetite and impulse, and generally end up with a great many bad habits. Many follow the paths of drink and drugs that lead down the low road of moral depravity (Why do alcohol and drugs lead down the low road? Because both alcohol and drugs impair mental function i.e. good sense, sound judgment). Habits do not occur in a haphazard, random way in an individual. Good habits tend to occur together. Bad habits tend to occur together. For example, the character trait of honesty will almost certainly be accompanied by many other habits in the "good habit" list and the character trait of dishonesty will likely be accompanied by many others in the "bad habit" list. The same is true for such character traits as concern for others, chastity, conscientiousness, diligence, self-control, etc. And also true for their opposites. May 2009
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