Website owner:  James Miller

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Wisdom, Reason and Virtue are closely related

   Foolishness and sin are closely related.  Wisdom and Virtue are 
   closely related.  

   Wisdom, Reason, Sense speak against prodigality, waste, the 
   squandering of money and resources; they speak for thrift and 
   frugality.  They speak against laziness and indolence; they 
   speak for effort, industriousness, hard work.  They speak 
   against carelessness; they speak in favor of care and 
   heedfulness.  They speak against impulsiveness, 
   thoughtlessness, impetuousness and rashness; they speak for 
   thought, caution, reflection, and deliberation.  They speak 
   against intemperance, immoderation, overindulgence and excess 
   and for temperance, moderation, self-restraint and self-
   control.  They speak against pride and arrogance and for 
   humility and meekness.  They speak against dishonesty and 
   deceit and for honesty and truthfulness.  They speak against 
   unjustness and unfairness and for justness and fairness.  They 
   speak against anger, argument, and strife and for peacefulness 
   and harmony.  They speak against covetousness and for being 
   content with little.  They speak against doing ill to others 
   and for treating others with politeness, respect and regard.  
   They speak against sexual immorality and for morality, chastity 
   and purity.  They speak against carrying hatred, malice, envy 
   and jealousy toward others.  In short, Wisdom, Reason and Sense 
   speak against sin and for Goodness, Righteousness and Virtue. 

   Wisdom, Reason, and Sense speak against error and foolishness.  
   Sin is moral or spiritual error.   

   The wise man knows that the way of true happiness in life is 
   the way of wisdom and that the way of wisdom corresponds to the 
   way of Fear of God, Righteousness, Goodness, and Virtue.  And 
   he knows that in the end there will be a final judgment and 
   that in the end every man will receive according to his works. 

   The foolish man believes that the way of happiness is the way 
   of sin and carnal pleasure; the way of self-gratification, 
   self-indulgence; the way of the gratification of bodily 
   desires, wants, lusts and appetites.  He knows of only one way 
   to live -- the easy way, the natural way; the way of Sin, of 
   spiritual error.

   Oct 2004

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