Website owner:  James Miller

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He who has knowledge spares his words

   He who has knowledge spares his words,

     And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.

                                                  Proverbs 17:27

   Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace.

                                                  Proverbs 17:28

   In the multitude of words sin is not lacking,

      But he who restrains his lips is wise.

                                                  Proverbs 10:19

   He who guards his mouth preserves his life,

     But he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.

                                                  Proverbs 13:3

   Whoever guards his mouth and tongue

     Keeps his soul from troubles.

                                                  Proverbs 21:23


On Silence

On the Tongue

I think that the above scripture from the book of Proverbs is some of the most profound and important scripture found in the Bible.


I am a person who is very careful in the things I say — and have always been so. When it comes to speech, whether talking to my wife, my parents, some friend, or anyone else, my speech has always been subject to some constraints:

1. I always say only what I honestly believe to be true. I am an honest man and don’t wish to say anything except what I believe to be true. I am very careful in what I say and when someone confides something to me I am more likely to respond by saying nothing or almost nothing. I am not one inclined toward gossiping. I listen, think perhaps many things, sense many things, but say little. I see foibles and foolishness and keep my mouth shut.

2. I never say anything to anyone that I sense they would not like to hear. I am careful not to say something that would offend or make a person angry — whether the person is my wife, my parent, some acquaintance, or some stranger. I understand that nothing positive is ever accomplished by telling a person things he doesn’t want to hear.

Because of these constraints that I carefully adhere to, when talking to some stranger or someone I don’t know well, I am very careful to stick to safe subjects. I don’t talk about religion or politics. The weather is always a safe subject. Only if I know a person well and know what his views are on religion or politics will I talk about these subjects.

I am not the sociable type person with a lot of friends and who likes to talk. About the only person I ever talk to is my wife. What I do say to her is said with care and discretion. Telling her things she didn’t want to hear wouldn’t help our relationship at all.

9 Sept 2024



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