Website owner: James Miller
We live in a world in which there are a few wealthy nations and a whole lot of very poor nations. Today the vast majority of mankind is poor even though there is great wealth in a few countries. The United States, Canada, the countries of western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan enjoy a high standard of living. The most of the people in most of the rest of the countries of the world are poor. What has made the rich countries wealthy and why are the poor countries poor? Well, behind the wealth of the wealthy countries is a great long, gradual development process involving the industrial revolution, the long arduous advance of science, invention and technology in combination with ever and ever larger aggregations of capital being put to use in production and long hours of hard work of hundreds of millions of industrious, hardworking people over a great many years. All this, employed in the utilization of a country's natural resources, has slowly built all the many great infrastructures such as road and railway systems, dams and power generating and distribution facilities, water reservoirs, manufacturing facilities, etc. of the wealthy countries of the world that provide all the conveniences that their peoples enjoy. A vast, complex, interdependent system has gradually developed in these countries that provides the peoples with their high standard of living. A journey of a thousand miles is made a step at a time and the development of the wealthy countries of the world has occurred a step at a time. It has been a plant of slow growth, one generation building on the work of previous generations, man building on the structures of his forefathers. What has actually happened has been that a few countries have grown increasingly wealthy while the people in the most of the countries of the world have simply continued living in the way that mankind has lived for thousands of years. Thus the people in these poor countries are poor only by comparison with the people in the wealthy countries of the world. "Poor" depends on what you are comparing with. They are not poor in comparison with the way mankind has lived for thousands of years. The poor countries of the world have simply been left behind, have not developed very fast in comparison with the wealthy countries of the world. The poorer countries have just not been able to get the formula right. They just haven't been able to duplicate that complicated mix of ingredients that has produced the wealth of the wealthy countries. The plant just doesn't seem to want to grow. The soil isn't right, the temperature isn't right, or something. And with modern satellite television, etc. the poorer people of the world learn how the people in the wealthy countries of the world live and they become envious and dissatisfied with their own lot. They become restive and want change. And they become attracted to people and political movements offering quick and easy solutions --- like the Communists. Many like the ideas of the Communists --- take from the rich and give to the poor. They would love to have the wealth of the rich. The countries of Latin America. The countries of Africa. What is the problem? The countries of Latin America are older than the USA and Canada and yet most are dysfunctional disasters with all kinds of problems. Why? First, recreating what the wealthy countries have done isn't a quick, easy, simple process. It takes time. Second, the people who settled the United States and Canada were mostly from countries of northern Europe and many had special technical knowledge, knowledge of industrial arts and technical processes, and many had some amount of wealth which they could use to start businesses. In contrast the most of the people of Latin America are descendents of primative or semi-primitive American Indians (or of black slaves brought over from Africa) --- people without the background in technical arts and processes that many European immigrants had. A few Spanish or Portuguese invaders had come in and forced a second culture on these Indians but they still continued to live by many of their old ways. And the Spanish culture was not technical and industrial oriented. There is something else that plays an important role in economic development besides just natural resources, capital and technical knowhow. The character of a people, their mentality, their culture, plays a critically important role in how much a country prospers. Different peoples have different mentalities, different ways of thinking. In my mind I compare German mentality and character with Latin mentality and character. Germans have a reputation for being energetic, punctual, honest, methodical, organized, efficient and industrious. They have that reputation and they are, as a group, indeed so. Latins, as a group, are, on the other hand, (to say it bluntly) unpunctual, unmethodical, disorganized, inefficient and often not particularly energetic, honest or industrious --- a fact that can be testified to by anyone who has traveled in Latin countries (these are generalizations and there are, of course, always lots of exceptions). Most of the wealthy nations of the world are made up mostly of peoples of northern European (Germanic) origin, people known for being energetic, industrious, efficient and hardworking. Work has a lot to do with wealth. Certain character traits have a lot to do with wealth. Belief in education, an emphasis on education, has a lot to do with wealth. I believe morality and good habits have a lot to do with wealth. Political corruption, sexual promiscuity, drinking, and drug use pull people down and cause poverty. In many of the poor countries of the world corruption, bribery and graft are endemic, a deep part of the culture. I think of the coutries of Latin America and Africa. Corruption and graft place a heavy tax on a country, stifle advance. The wealth of a nation is the collective wealth of its inhabitants. Hundreds of millions of energetic, intelligent, educated, honest, industrious, efficient, organized people working together create wealth, for themselves and for their descendants. Hundreds of millions of unenergetic, corrupt, disorganized, uneducated people not working together don't create much wealth. What countries of the world were settled by the English? How many countries which were settled by the English are poor? None. Is that just accident? Which countries of the world were settled by the Spanish? How many of those are rich? How many are poor? They are all poor. Is that just accident? I don't think so. If we look at ethnic groups within countries, do some ethnic groups tend to be prosperous and others poor? If so, which groups tend to be prosperous and which poor? Different cultures can be very deeply and radically different. Far more different than a person who has lived his entire life in a single culture might be able to comprehend. Cultural mentalities can be radically different. Personal financial success has a lot to do with mentality. Does religion play any role in determining what countries are rich and which are poor? I note that most of the rich countries of the world are predominantly Christian Protestant and that almost all countries that are predominantly Christian Protestant are rich. On the other hand, almost all countries in which other religions dominate are poor. Consider the countries dominated by Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox churches, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc. They are all poor. (exceptions to the above rule are France, Israel and Japan). Is there something in Protestant mentality that accounts for the fact that Protestant countries tend to become wealthy? Or could it be that God has especially favored the Protestants, blessed them? It has become popular in certain liberal circles in America to speak disparagingly of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, referring to them as WASP's. Well, the WASP's have had a lot to do with what has made America wealthy and powerful. Feb 2001
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