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Marxism is evil

Marxism is very much like a fanatical religion (except for the fact that it is godless, atheistic, doesn’t believe in a God). It has all the characteristics of a fanatical religious cult. Like a religion it is based on a bunch of axioms, assumptions, dogma, doctrine, beliefs, convictions, etc.. Through propaganda, proselytizing, teaching, etc. its members become indoctrinated and brainwashed and come to be totally convinced of its validity. They become believers, converts, and from then on (probably for the rest of their lives) they are Marxists. They become absolutely sure of themselves, certain they are right on every point, able to see everything in only one way and blind to all evidence to the contrary. Because they don’t believe in a God they are not restrained by those principles that you find in most religions (such as Christianity). Understanding all this, we can understand how people like Joseph Stalin and his underlings could have (directly or indirectly) killed tens of millions of decent, innocent people to impose Communism on Russia, Mao Zedong could have been responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of decent, innocent Chinese to impose Communism on China, and Pol Pot could have murdered nearly a quarter of Cambodia’s population (1.5 to 2 million people) to impose Communism on Cambodia.


To understand all this, it helps to understand the great Communist vision: that great utopian state where everything is just and fair, there is no poor, no rich, everything is as it ought to be, everyone is equal, everyone has lots to eat, and everyone is happy. And you must understand that the free enterprise system (Capitalism) is basically evil and the cause of all kinds of inequity and evil.

So the whole idea is to replace an evil bad system with a good, pure, utopian Marxist system. A basic premise of Marxism is that the government must own all land and citizens cannot own land so the first problem encountered in trying to establish Communism (Marxism) in a country is what to do about all those millions of landowners. It is obvious that they are not going to willingly and happily give up their land to the government — the government is going to have to take it away from them by force. Obviously if it does that they are not going to be happy supporters of Communism. They are going to be enemies of the new Communist state. Stalin was a man of action and knew what had to be done: Take the land of the landowners by force. And that is what he did. Mao Zedong was a great admirer of Stalin, studied his methods, and did the same thing in China as Stalin had done in Russia. And Pol Pot did the same in Cambodia. The end justifies the means and you do what you have to do. Probably in all three countries the poorest classes were enthusiastic supporters. They had bought into the Communist dream and were, at least initially, supporters. They thought they would be gainers.

The methods used by Stalin and Mao to separate the peasants from their land and put them in communes are studies in pure terror and evil. The most horrible, evil things went on everywhere. Secret police were everywhere. The eyes and ears of an evil state kept everyone in fear and silent trepidation. Children are taught to spy on their parents and report them. Starving people were shot for the most trivial infractions, for stealing an egg or an apple or five stalks of grain. Secret police used the most horrible tortures and dissenters were sent to slave labor camps where they died of the horrible conditions.

And what happened after these great collectivizations? Well, in both Russia and China the collectivization brought famines in which tens of millions died. A few years after the Chinese collectivization, in 1958 - 1962, people who were initially enthusiastic supporters were eating tree bark, mud, and human cadavers in an attempt to hang on to life. Cannibalism occurred in which people killed their own children and ate them.

Propaganda. Hitler made great use of propaganda. He knew that most people are naive, easily fooled, easily deceived, and that if a lie is repeated enough times it will be believed. Communists always make heavy use of propaganda. It is one of their most effective and powerful tools. Children are inculcated from early childhood in the assumptions, outlooks, and beliefs of Marxism. Capitalism is presented as evil. The press and news media present only the government promoted picture. In the Soviet Union Stalin’s pictures were displayed everywhere and he was presented a gentle, paternal father and a great man. The result: Most of the people loved him, adored him. It was a country of lie; minds were molded, and the most of the people were believers. The same happened in China. Mao was presented as a great, paternal father. In Communism, the ugly truths are always carefully kept secrets. Lie, falsehood, and deception is everywhere.

Marxism is Evil. It is the most evil idea that has ever been presented in the history of man. It has been the cause of more pure evil than any other idea in the history of man. Much is made of all the evil things done by Hitler in Nazi Germany. Stalin and Mao make Hitler look like a choir boy. Stalin murdered millions and Mao murdered tens of millions. But how much publicity has all of the tens (or hundreds) of millions who died in Russia and China gotten from our intelligentsia in the West? The teachers in our schools and professors in our colleges don’t talk much about that. I wonder why. And would you believe that they are teaching our children the merits of Marxism versus Capitalism? I wonder if they ever tell them about all of the terrible atrocities, police state torture, and suffering that has accompanied Marxism wherever it has been implemented? And of all of the good, decent people who have been murdered for that pipe dream? And of the endless queues of people standing in line to buy toilet paper and toothpaste? Those are ugly details that they don’t really like talking about. Communism simply doesn’t work. Russia learned that. China learned that. Every country that has tried it has learned it.

I think Marxism is about the best example I can think of of gross intellectual foolishness, folly, inanity (that and our modern day western “political correctness”). I would say that the blame for all of the pain, suffering, and anguish of all of those untold millions who suffered and died under Communism can be laid squarely at the doorstep of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. And that is a lot of blame. It is all a great moral lesson in the gullibility of man. It is a great lesson in the power of Satan to deceive. And it is also a big lesson in the capacity of man for high cruelty and evil, his capacity for callousness and inhumanity toward his fellow man. It shows how a single evil man can create a really evil state.

How is it that a small radical group of people (such as the Nazi’s or Communists) can take over a big country of tens of millions (or hundreds of millions) of people and exert absolute control over them (and essentially enslave them)? The answer lies in the idea of a secret police. A large secret police apparatus, such as the Nazis used and the Communists always use, that watches everyone, spies on everyone, and uses methods of terror to keep everyone in line. Any dissenters, or suspected dissenters, are interrogated and shot, hung, or sent to some labor camp. Fear keeps everyone in the society in line — silent and afraid to say what they think or feel. Methods of intimidation and brutality create a horror house of fear. It is the use of the same methods as those used by criminal gangs such as the Mafia to make people do what they want. I note that in this modern age, the computer multiplies by thousands (or millions) the ability to monitor people. Right now China is using these capabilities of the computer to monitor its entire population of 1.4 billion people. From the trends I see, I think this is the future of the West. I can see a Marxist dictatorship ruling the entire western world using police state methods and computer monitoring. You never know the value of what you have until you have lost it. One day the West will miss all of its freedoms. All of this political correctness points toward a Leftist dictatorship.

Does Marxism work? Marxism v.s. free enterprise. When the Soviet Union broke up in 1989 -1991 what did one have? The European scene showed a lot wealthy countries in western Europe versus a lot of very poor former Soviet bloc countries of eastern Europe. That is how the great 70 year Russian experiment in Marxist ideology finally ended. Just what does that tell one in regard to the efficacy of free enterprise versus Communism?

China under the Chinese communists was a very poor country until the Chinese decided to experiment with private enterprise/ capitalistic ideas by setting aside special economic zones where capitalistic ideas would be allowed. What happened? These zones were a blaring success, so much so that the government created a lot more of them, and learned a great lesson. They learned the power of free enterprise versus Marxist ideology. And the adoption of free enterprise is what is responsible for the great Chinese economic boom and the rapidly increasing wealth and power of China.

Vietnam is also ruled by a Communist government. Vietnam also remained a very poor country until its government saw what free enterprise was doing in China and, in 1986, initiated a lot of free enterprise oriented reforms. And then its economy started booming and became one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Cuba has remained stubbornly Communist. But Cuba has been forced to allow a great deal of free enterprise also. It had to. Because free enterprise works and Communism doesn’t.

Communism doesn’t work. Capitalism does. I don’t know of any quick solutions to all of those pockets of deep poverty that one finds in the world, such as in Latin America and Africa, but the answer does not lay in great social revolutions where you strip everyone of his land and property and install a Marxist/ Communist state. Venezuela has tried socialism. Look at what has happened there.

See the following:


YouTube        10 Brutal Realities of Life in Stalin’s Soviet Union

YouTube        Stalin's Enslavement of Rural Russia (full documentary)

YouTube        Eli from Russia            Perm 36 GULAG prison camp

YouTube        Communist China: The Great Leap Forward

YouTube        Chi Fung Lam            Mao’s Great Famine

YouTube        Frank Dikotter - Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe

YouTube        Cuba: A Deserted Revolution            Al Jazeera  

YouTube        Cuba: High prices, lines and shortages          DW Documentary

Stalinist repressions in Mongolia

After the Guns Were Removed, the Killing Fields Began

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