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Why so many young black males end up in prison

A very high percentage of young black males end up in prison sooner or later. Why is that? Is the problem racism? Is society at fault?

It is no big secret why some young people do well in life and others do badly. Common sense can answer that question very easily. It is all about the kind of parents children have — the parent’s attitudes, outlooks and values in regard to schooling and life — and the kind of atmosphere that exists in the home — and the way the parents raise their children. The right kind of parents with moral character and the right outlooks is required. And a big secret to raising children is demanding obedience. There must be discipline and obedience in the home.

The big secret to doing well in life is a good education. Children might not appreciate that but parents should. And getting a good education is a big project. It requires sustained hard work over a period of 12 to 16 years. And it also requires a good school with good teachers. And one of the most important ingredients for learning is strict order in the classroom. Doing well requires the habit of seriousness, the right attitude, effort, and persistence. Effort and perseverance bring goals to reality.

Joe works hard, is serious about doing well, and is perseverant. Joe does well.

Jack isn’t really working, isn’t really trying, and doesn’t care. Jack ends up squandering all of those years in school, wasting all of his time and the teacher’s and the taxpayer’s money — and does badly in life.

Doing well in life is all about the right attitudes and the right kinds of habits.

A young boy growing up in a home with no father, a mother who lives off welfare, and surrounded by bad influences hardly has a chance. His outlooks and values are so messed up that you can pretty much write him off.

A child growing up in a subculture that doesn’t value industriousness and hard work and moral character will probably end up in prison sooner or later.

How do I know all this? I can’t just tell you how. But I know.

Addendum. From what I have said above, I wish to go on to explore another question. A philosophical question. The question is this. Why is it that the liberal arrives at such different answers than conservatives do on so many things? For example the liberal says the reason so many young blacks end up in prison is racism and I have given a very different reason.

I say the reason for the difference between the liberal and conservative mind is lack of understanding of life on the part of the liberal. (It is either lack of understanding or high dishonesty in the form of very biased thinking where he wishes to place blame on certain groups that he dislikes.) The liberal just doesn’t appear to understand life and people and how things work.

Considering the above example, a young child cannot be expected to understand how very important education is to a person. He has no experience in life and his naive mind just doesn’t understand. You couldn’t expect him to understand. However, a thoughtful older person with a lot of experience in life should understand the importance of an education in life. Time and experience gives understanding (hopefully). Thus a parent is in a far better position than a child to understand the value of schooling and education. And this is true not only in regard to education but to many things. An adult ought to have an understanding of many things that a child cannot be expected to have. Thus we have a situation where the experienced and wise needs to guide the inexperienced and unwise.

From this comes the importance of an adult requiring absolute obedience from his children. Children cannot be allowed to go in any direction their foolish mind might wish. They need to be taught. And they need to be taught obedience. That is lesson number one. Children need to obey their parents (as well as adults such as teachers). They have to be taught to obey authority. It is very important. A person of understanding knows this and is not afraid to exert his authority. He is not so foolish as to be ruled by his children or to let them do whatever their foolish hearts might desire. In addition a person with understanding understands how important discipline and order is in a school. It is an absolute must. The things I have stated above are simply obvious to a person with understanding.

Now it is possible that racism, if it existed, could provide impediments for blacks. However, that doesn’t explain why blacks do so poorly in schools. And it doesn’t explain why so many end up in prison. One has to look at all of the evidence and understand what is going on. One has to understand the importance of morals in a person and what results in regard to behavior in the absence of morals. He needs to understand the influence of mind on mind and the influence of bad companions on a mind. He needs to understand how things work in life.

To understand why some people do much better than others one must be aware that different cultures place different kinds of cultural stamps on people. Like the German cultural stamp, the Japanese cultural stamp and the Latin cultural stamp. And understand how important different outlooks, attitudes, habits, and ways are to how well one does in life. Some cultures as, for example, oriental cultures, emphasize obedience to parents, self-discipline, hard work, perseverance, etc. and other cultures are oriented toward lack of exertion, singing, dancing, festivity, self-indulgence and sexual license. Different cultures represent different ways of thinking and yield very different results.

The thousands of experiences that happen to a child in the formative years of his childhood (and the way in which he responds to these experiences) form the final product — the adult. The final product can be a healthy, successful adult. Or it can be a failure.

It is quite interesting that the liberal always places the blame for people’s problems on someone else. There all kinds of victim groups in society — blacks, women, etc. And for every victim group there are the culprit groups (the evil groups). The black man’s problems are always the fault of the white man, women’s problems are the fault of men, etc. He never considers any other possibility for the cause of problems other than other people. There are some groups that the liberal is well inclined toward: blacks, homosexuals, women. And there are groups he detests: evangelical Christians, rich people, business people, capitalists.

The liberal just doesn’t seem to understand that the cause of the most of the problems that most people have lies completely within themselves. Whether it is problems whose source lies in laziness, dishonesty, immorality, debauchery, or whatever, their bad habits, wrong choices, and lack of character have caused their problems.

As we progress from childhood on up into adulthood we encounter many beliefs, ideas, assertions, etc. that are floating around in this world. As we encounter these ideas, we consider them and decide whether we believe them or not. What we accept or reject depends a great deal on our understanding of life, people, and the world we live in. And it depends on what kind of people we are. Are we independent, thoughtful, questioning, reflective types who think for themselves or people who just follow the crowd and believe what other people say and believe? If we decide that these assertions are true, accept them as true, they become part of our mental makeup, part of the set of assumptions from which the mind operates, and determine how we think and see things. The liberals have accepted the idea that the blacks are victims, this idea has become lodged in their minds, perhaps because it has been repeated so many times by so many well educated people, that it has become a most basic assumption for them, and they are not capable of questioning it. [they fall into the trap of believing that something is true just because a lot of “experts” say it is true.] If one suggests that the blacks may be responsible for their own problems, they accuse you of “blaming the victim.” [This expression “blaming the victim” carries with the tacit premise that the black is a victim. It involves an unproved premise. Liberals are not logical people and the idea that basic premises need to be questioned and examined is not a thing they understand. They are not capable of thinking, not capable of questioning, doubting, and examining. They are only capable of believing what some “expert” has asserted. Thinking is not one of their habits. Everything they believe comes from what they have read in books or been told. And what our modern liberals believe comes from that assortment of foolish ideas bouncing around in that echo chamber called academia. All of the basic assumptions that form a basis for their thinking comes from that set of ideas generated by other eggheads, none of whom would be able to drive a nail in the wall.

11 Feb 2024

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