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Tucker Carlson interview of El Salvadorian president Nayib Bukele

I just watched the following Tucker Carlson interview of El Salvadorian president Nayib Bukele

Tucker Carlson interview. Bukele: Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, Advice to Trump .

I am very impressed by Nayib Bukele. He seems like a very intelligent, well informed and good person. He tells how in a late night meeting, just before giving the order to execute the plan to round up and imprison all the gangster types, he and the people in the meeting with him prayed to God for wisdom and guidance. That impressed me. When do you hear of politicians turning to God in prayer? He said he and those with him were believers. It seemed like an impossible and desperate situation they were facing. To create social chaos the gangs had started to kill people in the general population at random.

In spite of what he did for El Salvador all that you hear about him in our news is negative. I don’t think I have ever read a positive article. He is accused of arresting all of those violent gang members without due process. All of the criticism comes from the liberal western press (both here in the United States and Western Europe). The articles represent the outlooks of the modern liberal left. The Left is always very concerned about the rights of the criminal but not much concerned about the rights or welfare of hardworking, honest people. One can never expect anything like honesty and impartiality from the liberal press. It would be like if, after the Second World War, all you read in the press were articles about war atrocities committed by American soldiers. Of course there are positives and negatives to any action that one makes. We live in a world where every choice has its trade-offs. That is the real world.

The MS-13 and other gangs had taken over in El Salvador with horrible crimes of extortion, murder, and every other crime. It was a really ugly situation down there. How do you solve such a gigantic problem? Or do you just give up and let the thugs rule the country? They now have 66,000 gangsters in their new state of the art prison and almost no crime. How does a poor country like El Salvador have all of the time and financial resources to give each of those gang members with tattoos all over their bodies a fair trial? And do they read to each one their rights before arresting them?

Following are a couple samples of western reporting:

El Salvador’s massive new prison and the strongman behind it, explained

66,000 Imprisoned: How El Salvador Is Fighting Gang Violence | WSJ

Read the comments after this last video. You don’t find many critical of what Bukele did.

6 June 2024

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