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The gigantic chasm that exists between the mind of the atheist and the mind of the Christian

How does one understand modern wokeness with all of its preoccupation with race, gender, and sexuality? How does one understand the crazy mind of the modern woke liberal with all of its obsessions, all of its foolishness, all of its lack of common sense? It would appear that the most important issues for the modern liberal are things like forcing everyone to use a transgender person’s preferred gender pronoun and allowing transgender types to use bathrooms for the gender they think they are instead of what they really are.

We live in a world where there is a great deal of malice. I wouldn’t be surprised if a great deal of this is not simple malice aimed at Christians. Thy want to rub the Christian’s nose in excrement.

First, I think we need to understand who these woke liberals are. Mostly, they are ideologically oriented, radicalized atheists who have graduated from our thousands of atheist-oriented colleges and universities and have been indoctrinated in all of the outlooks of modern anti-capitalist liberalism.

Second I think we need to examine the gigantic chasm that exists between the mind of the atheist and the mind of the Christian. There is a huge distance between the two minds. They represent two different worlds. It is very difficult for one mind to comprehend the other. The two minds are galaxies apart.

As a Christian, I believe implicitly in a spiritual world beyond this physical world — one from which we all came and to which we all eventually return. And as a Christian I believe that I will go to heaven when I die. And that bad, immoral people will go to hell. My outlooks, attitudes and values correspond to the teachings of Christianity found in New Testament scripture. And importantly, as a Christian, I view homosexuality as grossly immoral and wrong. These are my most basic tenets, premises and assumptions. It is how my mind works. As a Christian it is very important to me to live true to the teachings of Christianity. My hope for going to heaven is based on obedience to God, obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

How does the atheistic mind work? Its basic assumption is that there is no god and no life after death. In their concept, this physical world that we see around us just mysteriously appeared from nowhere eons ago and then evolved through eons of time to what it is today. There is no god involved in it all and no explanation for how so miraculous a thing could have happened. There is no explanation for how this great, amazing universe came about.

And, for the atheist, there is no divinely established standard for right conduct and wrong conduct. Of course there are the laws established by civil authority. But the laws established by civil authority are not equivalent to laws decreed by divine authority.

With atheistic assumptions there is no reason for a person to be honest, no reason to be moral, no reason to be good. There is no penalty for immorality and debauchery. There is no heaven and no hell. With no God there is no moral authority. Each person can be his own authority. He can justify lying, stealing, cheating, murder, a pleasure directed life, sexual depravity. It is an entire different way of thinking from a Godfearing mentality. It creates a totally different kind of mind-set. It makes for a very different kind of person.

What is the source of all of the liberal foolishness that has taken over the modern western world? It all comes out of the atheistic/socialist minds of people in positions of power in our land. Underneath it is atheistic outlook and mentality and socialist ideology. To understand it you must understand atheistic outlook and socialist ideology.

Who are these atheists who are so self-righteous and so sure of themselves entrenched in all of the hundreds of thousands of positions of power in our land? They are graduates of our many colleges and universities who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by atheistic professors and teachers who hate Christianity and who wish to destroy our system and replace it with a socialist or communist system.

One must understand something: These people are haters, instigators, troublemakers. With hatred comes lie, falsehood, distortion, misrepresentation. Many of these people are socialists or communists who hate capitalism and thus hate America. Many are blacks who hate whites. Some are women who hate men. Many are homosexual/lesbian/transvestite types who hate straight people and especially Christians. Most are atheists who hate Christians. Many hate the wealthy.

These are angry, hateful people who perhaps love gays and criminals, or at least pretend to, but more fundamentally hate Christians and honest, moral, good people — and especially conservative white males.

It is the mind of Satan. A mind that hates goodness and carries malice.

These angry troublemakers have long been known for all kinds of catch phrases. In the 1960s there were the calls for “social justice”. What did they mean? They meant all of the programs of the 1960s that ended as disasters. Today they call for social justice. What do they mean? Instead of basing college admission or job promotion on fair, objective tests and merit they want to base them on skin color, sex or race. That doesn’t sound like justice to me. And they are characteristically very intolerant and determined to impose their outlooks on the entire population with no tolerance for any dissent or opposition.

Having rejected Christianity and traditional religion these atheists have some psychological need for some type of religion so they have created their own religion with its own tenets and assumptions. Characterized by all kinds of grievances against various groups their religion is identity oriented — anti-white, pro-black, anti-male, pro-female, anti-straight, pro-homosexual, etc. In their religion there are good guys and bad guys and one must raise up the good guys and bash down the bad guys. The good guys are blacks, homosexuals and women.

22 Sept 2024

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