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Inside Cajun Country

I just saw a YouTube video containing conversations with some older men with old fashioned outlooks, values, and attitudes that impressed me. They were Catholic and I am Protestant but their minds, values and outlooks are mine. There are a few good people left in this country. It is good to know that. I wish I personally knew a few people like this. I am afraid I don’t. See Inside Cajun Country - First Impressions Peter Santenello

The main fellow being interviewed (Gerald) stated that he hired Mexicans to help him on his farm. He said you can’t find Americans who are willing to work. You put an ad in the newspaper and you don’t get any response. All the young Americans are on drugs and not interested in working. He said you couldn’t find anyone willing to put up hay. It is a job no one wants to do. (When I was a boy, I used to put up hay on our farm. I also worked for a farmer putting up his hay. That was in the 1950s.)

Talking about the old times he said, “There was a lot of good in those days but there was a lot of bad as well. The living conditions were bad but the character of the people was good. There was a lot more honor in those days than there is today, that’s for sure.”

In the last 70 years America has indeed changed radically. In terms of living conditions, things are indeed much better. In terms of the character of people there has been a radical, dramatic change downward.

I think America today has lost her way. The cause? Moral disintegration from abandonment of Christianity. And I think another big cause is the welfare state. All of the government support of people who don’t want to work (if people aren’t forced to work by necessity, they won’t) has a lot to do with it. And it is drugs, which are everywhere in the country. Welfare and drugs have wreaked great destruction.

I think dealing with difficulties and hardship builds character and too much ease and luxury destroys it. Things are just too easy in America.

The widespread use of drugs all over the world today proves something to me: Most people are fools. Only fools use drugs. Wise, prudent people are few in this life. Most people follow the crowd. The wise man thinks for himself.

26 June 2024

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