Website owner: James Miller
It is year 2030. It is a cashless world. All financial transactions are accomplished by debit cards, credit cards or check. Every person in the world has an identification card and his own unique identification number. Every financial transaction that every person in the world makes is recorded in a huge database and can be followed by a big government computer, located in Brussels, location of the World Government. That computer knows everything about every person in the world, from the day he was born. It knows his complete educational background, job history, medical history, credit history. It knows about every traffic ticket he has ever had, every brush with the law he has ever had. It knows how much he spends for groceries each week, the title of every book, magazine or newspaper he has ever purchased. It knows every address he has ever lived at and when he lived there. More than that, each person has a little transponder implanted in his body and, through satellite technology, it knows his exact physical location at any point in time. How did the whole system come about? There was a worldwide spate of ugly terrorist incidents where entire cities were decimated with suitcase sized nuclear, chemical and biological bombs. The entire world was in confusion, panic, disarray, upheaval. It all came about as a system for dealing with the situation. It was instituted as a system for controlling crime and catching criminals. All goes very well for a person as long as he stays on good terms with the government. But if he gets himself on the government's blacklist it is very bad indeed. The measures the government can use against him are countless. One of the most drastic measures is putting a block on his bank account which prevents anyone from selling him anything, including food, or even renting him a place to stay. They can even implant a device in him that records every word that he speaks. There are some minority groups that are definitely persecuted. The true Christian believers are the main ones. The government, which is controlled by humanists, atheists, Satanists and homosexuals, is strongly anti-religion, and especially anti- Christian. Everywhere one finds many large state run orphanages filled with young children which have been taken away from their parents for reason of child abuse i.e. because of physical abuse (spanking), verbal abuse, or improper religious indoctrination. There are also many huge labor camps with hundreds of thousands of people imprisioned for various state crimes, including such things as illegal religious or political activity, discrimination against various groups (especially discrimination against the homosexuals), child abuse, etc.. There are very few Christians left now. Many have been gassed in the gas chambers. Human sacrifice is making a comeback. Many groups are practicing it now. The World Government has just decreed a law requiring everyone worldwide to have a number electronically imprinted in their forehead --- a number beginning with the digits "666". May 1993
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