Website owner: James Miller
Many view gold as a hedge against inflation. Is this a valid assumption? No. If one looks at a chart of the price of gold from 1974 to present one can clearly see that in the period from 1980 to 2002 gold would have been a very bad investment. In 1981 gold was at $600 and going into 2000 it was at $300. If a retiree had invested his money in gold in 1981 it would have been a terrible decision. We need to ask what the mechanism is that causes gold to go up in price - and to drop in price. What causes gold to increase in price? Increase in demand. A situation where suddenly a whole lot of people become interested in gold and start buying it. Heavy buying of gold. What causes it to drop in price? A decrease in demand. A situation where people lose interest in gold and stop buying it. Gold goes up or down in price according to human behavior in regard to it. What kind of situation may cause people to suddenly become interested in buying gold? An example would be governmental conduct that creates fears of possible hyperinflation, of monetary collapse, of national economic upheaval, as occurred in Germany in the 1920's when the mark became worthless i.e. the kind of thing that can happen when a government spends far more than it ought to, goes way into debt, and then just starts printing money in large amounts. Thus investment in gold may protect one against calamity of that kind since in such a situation everyone with wealth to lose thinks of gold and silver and starts buying them, pushing their prices up. We note that one can have bubbles in gold as in anything else. If the price of gold starts going up people may all flock into gold just because it is going up (just to make quick and easy money) thus causing it to rise ever faster. We know about bubbles in stocks, bubbles in housing. Some financial asset starts increasing in value, everyone becomes aware that one can just buy it and sit around and watch himself become rich. Everyone and his brother, from construction worker to lawyer, starts buying it, all the ever increasing demand makes it go higher and higher faster and faster and people are sitting around becoming fabulously rich -- and then there is the crash and people start jumping out of windows. Suppose the government is behaving in a way that you think will bring heavy future inflation. What can you do to protect your wealth? Where is the best place to put your money? I think land. Apr 2011
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