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The Leftist concept of sin is different than the Biblical concept

Something that seems interesting and odd is that the modern liberal Left appears to have completely different ideas about sin from the ideas taught in the Bible. In the Biblical outlook sin is wrong conduct in an individual. It includes such personal behavior as lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, murder. etc. Generally it is conduct that conscience tells us is wrong (if our conscience is still intact). It is a thing of the individual. Each of us has a personal responsibility to do the right thing.

The mind of the Left seems to think quite radically differently in its concept of sin. The Left doesn’t seem be concerned about individual wrongdoing. It’s concern is some kind of group conduct that it condemns. It views sin as some kind of group wrongdoing. Instead of condemning an individual for some wrong or immoral action it demonizes entire groups for some type of conduct that it views as wrong — as, for example, discrimination or racism or intolerance towards other people’s beliefs or conduct (such as homosexual conduct) — where these “sins” are not conduct that would be considered sin by the Bible. Examples. It demonizes all whites as being racist toward blacks. Or all white males for some tendencies that it thinks it sees in all white males. It evens condemns entire groups for some wrong committed by some of their ancient ancestors (as in condemning all whites because some of their distant ancestors possessed slaves).

On the other hand, the Left seems very soft in its attitudes on individual sin. It is soft in its attitudes on theft, adultery, murder, etc. It feels great sympathy for the criminals but shows little concern for crime victims.

In the liberal mind wrong behavior is the fault of society. Individuals are not responsible for wrong conduct. Faults of the society are responsible. Faults in the economic or social system are responsible. Criminals are simply victims of a bad social system. The remedy is to fix or replace the system — and so they want to overthrow the current system and replace it with some socialistic utopian system.

All of this is that old trick of wrong-doers. Never take responsibility for wrong-doing. Always blame someone else. Always shift the blame.

Does this sound like the mind of Satan? It shifts individual responsibility for wrong-doing to “society” and relieves the individual of it. 

Behind all of this is hatred and anger stirred up by troublemakers, instigators, agitators, demagogues and is closely related to black activism, feminism, homosexual activism and other such movements. These movements have produced hatred for whites, hatred for men, hatred for Christians, etc. Homosexuals and their influence and power in the West have played a big part.

All of this smells very strongly of envy. Envy of whites. Envy of white males. Envy of the rich. Etc., Etc. Envy is a very big thing in this world. Envy produces hatred.

And this is also all about ideology. Leftist, Communist / socialist ideology.

Capitalism is bad. Making profits is bad. The current system is bad and needs to be replaced. This is the kind of mentality that is dominating in our colleges and universities, in our mass media, and in other centers of power in our land. It is a political outlook wishing to produce revolutionary change. Hatred of capitalism among our intelligentsia and their power and influence in our society has a lot to do with all this.

15 May 2024

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