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Over the last four years 10 million people have crossed over our southern border

Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s dirty, unkempt, long-haired hippies were everywhere. There were thousands and thousands of them. Many lived in communes where they embraced free-love and dope. I often wondered who was supporting them in this type of lifestyle. Their parents? I assumed it must have been their parents. They must have been children of the rich or affluent. (In 1970 my wife and I took a trip to Europe. They were over there, too. Amsterdam was full of them.) These young people must have come from a very different background than I. There is no way my father would have supported any of his children after the age of 18. He did lend my brother and I money for college. My Father’s background was poor and hard. No one ever gave him anything. He used to tell of working for a farmer for 50 cents a day after he was married. It was the days of the depression and times were hard. His father lost his factory job during the depression and my father had to drop out of school to help him cut railroad ties with a cross-cut saw. That was the only job his father could find.

It appears that over the last four years of the Biden administration 10 million people have crossed over our southern border. See

STARTLING STATS FACTSHEET: Biden Administration on Track to Reach 10 Million Encounters Nationwide Before End of Fiscal Year

What in the world is going on?!

We all know that the Biden administration has done everything in its power to stop this great flood of illegals across our southern border. Right?!

Trump, when he was president, tried to stop the inflow and the Democrats fought him tooth and nail. Then the Democrats got into power. Then the number crossing exploded.

Most of these people don’t know English and have no means of support. Our government is providing them with food, shelter and everything they need. Is that right?! That is taxpayer money. And we have a national debt of $35 trillion and it keeps growing.

What could possibly be the motive of the Democrats in allowing all of these people into this country at such a great expense to the American people?

I am sure all of these 10 million people will find jobs. They are from poor countries and are not afraid of hard work and will work for low wages. They will work hard and they will thrive. Most of the houses in our neighborhood are now owned by Latins. The Latins do work. (They are also not shy about using all the free government services they find out about.) All of the lawn mowing services in our area are 100% Latin.

What is going on with the young people in this country? Are they working? Or are they living off their parents — letting their parents support them? Or are they by some means living off government welfare?

What kind of jobs are our young people working at after finishing school? Illegal foreigners seem to be doing all of the low income type work. Are all of our young people suddenly going straight from high school into upper level management positions? I don’t know the answer. I am asking you.

People are clever. They stub their toe and then manage somehow to get put on permanent disability. Or they have a baby out of wedlock and get on welfare. Or they live with their girlfriend who is on welfare. Or they go into the drug trade (selling illegal drugs). Or they try prostitution for a living. Or they take up the hobo life and enjoy the great meals being served at homeless shelters.

Most people won’t work if they can find a way not to. They are naturally lazy. It is human nature.

Does any of us really need to work? How about just letting the government support all of us?

Right after Covid ended it was in the news that employers just couldn’t find help. There was a big labor shortage. How do you explain that? Employers were advertizing for help all over the country and getting no response. What was going on there? Americans had just finished being able to sit at home and be supported by the government for an extended period during the Covid years. Did this experience perhaps spoil them for working for a living? They had become addicted to all of the entertainment on TV and the internet. It reminds me of the Roman empire. The Roman government supplied the masses with free food and entertainment to keep them contented and avoid uprisings. Are we doing the same with our welfare programs? We are super rich, right? We are $35 trillion in debt but it is not a big deal because we can always just print a few trillion more. Right? Just the interest on this $35 trillion is a gigantic sum. And the further in debt we get the larger that interest portion becomes. What happens to you if you allow the balance on your charge card to get so high that there is no hope of paying it off?

All of this might end in our suddenly finding ourselves in a great big hole that we can’t get out of. Like what happened back in the great depression. Really big, deep holes can be hard to get out of. In the case of the great depression of the 1930s the Second World War got us out of the hole. What will get us out of the next big hole that we find ourselves in?

How about a bout of run-away inflation like happened in Zimbabwe? See Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. How would we get out of a situation like that?

Foolish people never learn until it is too late.

I am assuming that all of these hundreds of thousands of illegals who are coming up here are finding jobs. Otherwise they wouldn’t come. Who is hiring them? I am guessing that it is American businesses in need of unskilled labor. There must be a whole lot of businesses doing it considering how many illegals are being absorbed by it. Is all of this hiring of illegals occurring without the government knowing what is going on? Are all of these illegals paying income tax?

I assume that what is behind this is desire for cheap labor. Of course businesses want to pay employees as little as possible. Especially if everyone else is doing it, you need to keep labor costs down in order to compete. But why can’t businesses find Americans who will work for low wages? What is going on? The way things used to be, if you didn’t work you didn’t eat. That is the way it was in my father’s and my grandfather’s day. The facts of life forced you to take a job to survive — even if you hated the job. In order to eat you had to take a job even if the wages were low. Has this basic reality of life changed here in America? I don’t understand how so many Americans can be so choosy as to whether they will work or not. Are they being supported in some way? Are they being supported with my tax dollars?

Perhaps the explanation for why businesses want foreign workers is that all of the unskilled American workforce is either on drugs or are poor workers. That might explain it. Businesses are forced to turn to illegal labor in order to function.

How do all of these Americans unsuited for work support themselves? Become hobos and eat at homeless shelters?


3 Oct 2024

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