Website owner: James Miller
What does God expect of a person who wishes to be a child of his? What does God want from people? What kind of conduct does he want from them? What kind of priorities and values does he want them to have? How would he have them employ themselves? What is necessary for the salvation of one's soul? What criterion does God use in deciding who will go to heaven? How does God decide, what rule does he use in determining the destiny of your soul? What can I do in life that is truly useful and valuable? What project can I pursue that is truly worthwhile? What can I do with my life to make it count? How can I truly and effectively help other people? How can one help them solve their problems and find happiness in life? It seems like almost everyone has problems, some a lot more than others. Yet when one starts examining the problems that people have he despairs of being able to help them. So many of the problems that afflict mankind are so stubborn and intractable and so poorly understood. And as one examines the problems he starts realizing that a great many of the problems are of the victim's own making. The problems are caused by their own foolishness, laziness, lack of self-discipline, bad habits, etc.. One often sees that people are often their own worst enemy. For these types of problems one is often forced to ask himself "How does one protect a person from himself?" There are the problems of addiction to alcohol and drugs. So often people are slaves to their own bad habits. Other problems that plague people may not be their own fault. But the problems are often very stubborn and intractable and the people unpleasant and hard to deal with. Examples: inferiority complexes, emotional problems, mental problems. Other problems that people have often are related to their inability to find a job, often because of lack of skills. How does one help in this situation? Life often twists and distorts people, causes them to take the wrong roads and they end up becoming enemies to themselves and others, unpleasant and difficult to live with, hard to deal with, etc.. How does one straighten this kind of person out? Aug 1985
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