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The School of Hard Knocks

The following is from Thomas Sowell. Barbarians inside the Gates. pp. 234 - 236


The School of Hard Knocks

SOME OF THE MOST SHALLOW AND ILLOGICAL letters I receive are from school teachers, so I was a little less surprised than some others by an episode at Canarsie High School in New York.

In one of the innumerable "activities" which substitute for education in American public schools, Canarsie High decided to jump on the "multicultural" bandwagon and have an International Cultural Fair, where students could present the culturally distinctive features of their own racial or ethnic group.

The local newspaper, the Canarsie Courier. had a couple of people covering the event. One wrote an essay expressing his shock at seeing "litter-strewn hallways, the students playing handball in the halls in disregard of passers-by, and the obscenities from both male and female students, as well as from the security guards. He suggested that someone should "take a Singapore switch to the backsides of some of these kids."

The response to this essay was as in-your-face as the behavior he had criticized. A teacher at Canarsie wrote to the newspaper that its writer's remarks were a "tirade" while the students' behavior was downgraded to "questionable." Without denying the truth of what was reported, its "negativism" was called "a grave injustice to the students and teachers at Canarsie High School."

Then came the letters from the students—or perhaps pupils might be a more accurate term, since there was little evidence from their letters that they had studied anything. The first letter began: "Last week in Canarsie High when had the International Cultural Fair and you get the name worng."

No, that's not my typo or my grammar. That's what he wrote.

Another "student" said that she was shocked that "an Editor (you call yourself) whom doesn't go to Canarsie High School and dosen't participate in our activies would write such lies." Moreover, she said: "Were kids what more do you want."

If what was said was a lie, how could she make an excuse for something that didn't happen? Logic, however, is one of those old-fashioned things that play very little role in today's education.

Another "student" expressed his disappointment this way: "Always thought Canarsie Courier alway tell truth, justice and eventruly I was wrong."

Yet another "student" wrote: "Maybe you think high school is a monastarey or a convent, but suprise its not." She added: "The teachers are well groomed and up to parr. They reach above and beyond the standards of any NYC High School and I am very greatful to have such quality people taking the time out to give a hoot."

Seldom is there an occasion to criticize anyone for excessive gratitude but this is one of those occasions. On the other hand, I am certainly "greatful" that I never went to a school like Canarsie High.

Another pupil wrote in to defend the security guards because "the do their jobs every good, and if someone don't have a pass or/and an I.d card, you are not getting passed them." He suggested that if the editor had forgotten what it was like being a kid, he should "go back to the passed."

Still another pupil complained that the editor "totaly forgot" to write about the fair that he came to cover.

Finally, one pupil seized upon the editor's mention of having to dodge a tennis ball while walking through the hall. "You must of been very scared of that tennis ball to dodge it," he said. Then he closed with the pop psychology so fashionable in educational circles: "You really hated this school when you where young didn't you?"

It gets worse. An adult wrote in to castigate the newspaper for printing the pupils' letters with all their mistakes. He asked:

"What did you achieve by showing the deficiencies of these fine youngsters who feel good about their school and what it's offering them. At a time when school morale is low, and drop outs are at a high what was the point?"

All this is vintage response to criticisms of the collapse of education in American public schools. Psychoanalyze the critics, accuse them of negativism, challenge their honesty even if you cannot challenge their facts. In short, do anything to avoid confronting the truth.

The Canarsie "students" are all too typical in having lots of opinions and lots of brass—and having no conception of logic or evidence. Where would they get such analytical skills? Certainly not from the typical teacher of today.

All is not lost. There were a few signs of sanity in this episode. A couple of adults wrote in to express shock at the high school pupils' obvious ignorance. One said, "they could all spend a lot less time in Multi-Cultural activities and a lot more time in learning grammar and spelling." A grandmother wrote that when her grandchildren are ready to go to high school, "I will clean public toilets to be able to send them to a parochial high school."



14 June 2024

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