Website owner:  James Miller

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All government money comes from you and I

Is there a problem in the following assertion? Assertion: All of the money that government has to spend comes directly or indirectly from you and I. It is really you and I who pay all of the taxes.

Whatever tax that some government entity places on a business or corporation is actually just simply passed on to the consumer.

Businesses pass taxes on through to the consumer by increasing their prices. They must make a profit if they are going to continue to function and they have no choice. Thus all government taxes are really taxes on the individual, either disguised or undisguised. If the government squanders money in one way or another, as by government programs that don’t work, it is you and I who are paying for all of the waste since the government has no source of income but you and I.

If the government assesses an import tax on certain items, it is the buyer who pays the tax because the tax is simply added to the cost of the item. (The importer pays the tax at customs and he adds the tax to the cost of the item.)

Gigantic amounts of money were wasted in our war in Afghanistan through bad decisions. It was you and I who paid for all of that waste.

If the government borrows money to do something, we still have to pay in the end when it pays the money back with interest. If the government prints huge amounts of money due to an inability to stay within budgets, we the people still pay in the end through the inflation it causes.

If the government wastes money through bad decisions it is you and I who pay. Thus it is you and I who pay the cost of all government waste with our hard-earned money.

It is you and I who pay the cost of all of the innumerable social welfare programs, however eggheaded, impractical and foolish they may be.

Impractical dreamers graduated from our top universities, heads filled with romantic foolishness — people who could never ever live within a budget and whose personal finances are disasters — create half-witted government programs, which, once created, will never be challenged, questioned or doubted — programs that will live on into eternity sapping the financial resources of the citizenry for generations.


Breaking down the fiscal train-wreck of 2024

1 Nov 2024

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