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Proverbs to Live By

   Experience is the father of wisdom. 


   The grand essentials in this life are something to do, 
   something to love, and something to hope for. 


   From a little spark may burst a mighty flame. 


   The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it. 


   The crown of a good disposition is humility. 

                                           Arab Proverb 

   Asking costs little. 

                              Italian Proverb 

   The wise man has long ears, big eyes and a short tongue. 

                                      Russian Proverb 

   Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet. 


   A good laugh is sunshine in a house. 


   Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions, 
   but those who kindly reprove thy faults. 


   Give if thou canst, an alms;  if not, afford, instead of that, 
   a sweet and gentle word. 

   Do not choose for anyone what you do not choose for yourself. 

                                                 Persian Proverb 

   There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, 
   there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed. 


   Forewarned, forearmed;  to be prepared is half the victory. 


   If a man could have half his wishes, he would double his 


   Everyone loves the tree that gives him shelter. 

                                        Russian Proverb 

   He who considers too much will perform little. 


   The sky is of the same color wherever you go. 

                                       Persian Proverb 

   He is lifeless who is faultless. 


   The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. 


   The greatest king must at last be put to bed with a shovel. 

                                        Russian Proverb 

   What can the enemy do when the friend is cordial? 

                                        Persian Proverb 

   Joy and sorrow are next door neighbors. 

                                      German Proverb 

   Work is often the father of pleasure. 


   Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart. 


   Poverty does not destroy virtue nor wealth bestow it. 


   Cleanse thy heart from greed, and thy foot shall remain free 
   from fetters. 
                                                  Arabian Proverb 

   Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. 


   Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in 


   All is not false that seems at first a lie. 


   Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. 


   It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of 
   others and to forget his own. 

   The chameleon does not leave one tree until he is sure of 
                                               Arabian Proverb 

   A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion. 


   Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 

                                      Arabian Proverb 

   Never let the bottom of your purse or your mind be seen. 


   The mouse that has but one hole is soon caught. 

                                     Arabian Proverb 

   He who knows but little, presently outs with it. 

                                      Italian Proverb 

   Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. 


   Much does he gain who learns when he loses. 

                                      Italian Proverb 

   Joy and Temperance and Repose slam the door on the doctor's 

   Who seeks a quarrel, finds it near at hand. 

                                       Italian Proverb 

   The cask can only yield the wine it contains. 

                                      Italian Proverb 

   He who sings frightens away his ills. 

                                       Spanish Proverb 

   Any plan is bad which is not susceptible to change. 

                                       Italian Proverb 

   The remedy for injuries is not to remember them. 

                                        German Proverb 

   The stitch is lost unless the thread is knotted. 

                                        Italian Proverb 

   A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is 
   committing another mistake. 


   None are so blind as those who won't see. 


   Now 'tis the spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted;  suffer them 
   now and they'll o'ergrow the garden. 


   When your horse is on the brink of a precipice it is too late 
   to pull the reins. 
                                                 Chinese Proverb 

   That crown is well spent which saves you ten. 

                                       Italian Proverb 

   Striving to better, oft we mar what's well. 


   He has gained enough who gives up a vain hope. 

                                       Italian Proverb 

   Books give not wisdom where was none before. 


   No one is satisfied with his fortune, nor dissatified with his 

                                        French Proverb 

   When a man is falling, every saint pushes him. 

                                      Italian Proverb 

   He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals. 


   There is no one luckier than he who thinks himself so. 

                                              German Proverb 

   The riches that are in the heart cannot be stolen. 

                                          Russian Proverb 

   Keep company with good men, and you'll increase their number. 

                                              Italian Proverb 

   He who is an ass and takes himself to be a stag finds his 
   mistake when he comes to leap the ditch. 

                                             Italian Proverb 

   He who would have no trouble in this world must not be born in 

                                                   Italian Proverb 

   Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. 


   Fool me once, shame on you;  fool me twice, shame on me. 

                                              Chinese Proverb 

   No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. 


   Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with. 

                                                Author unknown 

   He who sows discord will reap regret. 

                                    Arabian Proverb 

   When the ship has sunk everyone knows how she might have been 

                                                Italian Proverb 

   First catch your hare, then cook it. 


   A man's being in a good or bad humor depends upon his will. 


   He saith little that loveth much. 

                                      Italian Proverb 

   Let thy discontents be secrets. 


   The path of duty lies in what lies near at hand; and men seek 
   for it in what is remote. 
                                              Japanese Proverb 

   Wisdom thoroughly learned will never be forgotten. 


   Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt. 


   The world is governed more by appearances than by realities, so 
   that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to 
   know it. 
                                                 Daniel Webster 

   Little strokes fell great oaks. 


   A small-minded man looks at the sky through a reed. 

                                   Japanese Proverb 

   One must lose a minnow to catch a salmon. 

                                      French Proverb 

   It is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge 
   in his own cause. 


   The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious 
                                               Japanese Proverb 

   Full many a flower is born to blush unseen. 


   He who reigns within himself, and rules passions, desires, and 
   fears, is more than a king. 


   Wear a smile and have friends;  wear a scowl and have wrinkles. 

                                                  George Elliot 

   A man who is his own doctor has a fool for his patient. 


   A man must insult himself before others will. 

                                          Chinese Proverb 

   He loses all who loses the right moment. 

                                       Spanish Proverb 

   Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. 


   He who lies upon the ground can fall no lower. 

                                         Latin Proverb 

   Pray devoutly, but hammer stoutly. 


   What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. 


   Good example is half a sermon. 


   He conquers who endures. 

                                      Italian Proverb 

   He is well paid that is well satisfied. 


   A man's good name is as precious to him as its skin is to a 
                                              Japanese Proverb 

   If there is no apple one eats a little carrot. 

                                     Russian Proverb 

   Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by 

   A man with a sour face should not open a shop. 

                                      Japanese Proverb 

   One pardons to the degree that one loves. 

                                       La Rochefoucauld 

   When anger arises think of the consequences. 


   Drop by drop fills the tub. 

                                      French Proverb 

   He is not laughed at who laughs at himself first. 


   It is part of the cure to wish to be cured. 


   The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn. 


   Break the legs of an evil custom. 

                                        Italian Proverb 

   A fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears. 


   You can't make an omlet without breaking eggs. 


   The heron's a saint when there are no fish about. 

                                   Japanese Proverb 

   When interest lags, memory lags too. 


   What is bitter to endure may be sweet to remember. 


   A soft answer turneth away wrath;  but grievous words stir up 
                                                    Old Testament 

   For every evil under the sun, there is a remedy or there is 
   none.  If there be one, try and find it; if there be none, 
   never mind it. 

   A harper is laughed at who plays always on the same string. 


   If you have to kill a snake, kill it once and for all. 

                                              Japanese Proverb 

   In the fields of observation, chance favors only the prepared 

   If well thou hast begun, go on;  it is the end that crowns us, 
   not the fight. 

   No man's head aches while he comforts another. 

                                        Italian Proverb 

   A narrow mind has a broad tongue. 

                                        Arabian Proverb 

   Better shun the bait than struggle in the snare. 


   What one does, one becomes. 

                                       Spanish Proverb 

   The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for 


   An idle brain is the devil's workshop. 

                                    English Proverb 

   Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows. 


   Talk does not cook rice. 

                                     Chinese Proverb 

   Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. 


   Following happiness is like chasing the wind, or clutching the 
                                              Japanese Proverb 

   We have two ears and one mouth that we may listen the more and 
   talk the less. 
                                                   Greek Proverb 

   They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and 
   they who love it are not equal to those who find pleasure in 
                                                Chinese Proverb 

   If you wish another to keep your secret, first keep it 
                                        Latin Proverb 

   Having a good wife and rich cabbage soup, seek not other 

                                        Russian Proverb 

   Never esteem anything of advantage to thee that shall make thee 
   break thy word of lose thy self-respect. 

                                                   Marcus Aurelius 

   A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 


   Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest. 

                                       Indian Proverb 

   If you walk on snow you cannot hide your footprints. 

                                       Chinese Proverb 

   Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least 
   expect it, there will be a fish. 


   He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens 
   our skill. 
                                                Edmund Burke 

   Compare your griefs with other men's and they will seem less. 

                                               Spanish Proverb 

   Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power. 


   A word of kindness is better than a fat pie. 

                                   Russian Proverb 

   One dog yelping at nothing will set ten thousand straining at 
   their collars. 
                                               Japanese Proverb 

   Arrogance diminishes wisdom. 

                                    Arabian Proverb 

   When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to 
   seek it elsewhere. 

                                                 La Rochefoucauld 

   For a marriage to be peaceful the husband should be deaf and 
   the wife blind. 
                                                Spanish Proverb 

   Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, much fruit 
   of sense beneath is rarely found. 


   When the  fox cannot reach the grapes he says they are not 

                                                    Greek Proverb 

   Do not remove a fly from your friend's head with a hatchet. 

                                                    Chinese Proverb 

   That is an empty purse that is full of other men's money. 


   When the fruit is scarcest its taste is sweetest. 

                                            Irish Proverb 

   The daughter of a crab does not give birth to a bird. 

                                              Chinese Proverb 

   It's no use going to the goats house to look for wool. 

                                                  Irish Proverb 

   Three things too much and three too little are pernicious to 
   man: to speak much, and know little; to spend much, and have 
   little; to presume much, and be worth little. 


   The more a man knows, the more he forgives. 


   You cannot sew buttons on your neighbor's mouth. 

                                                 Russian Proverb 

   Don't see all you see, and don't hear all you hear. 

                                                Irish Proverb 

   Every cloud engenders not a storm. 


   "Tis not the dying for a faith that's so hard; 'tis the living 
   up to it that is difficult. 


   Men carry their superiority inside; animals outside. 

                                               Russian Proverb 

   One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to 
   apply it. 
                                                Persian Proverb 

   Vegetables of one's own raising are not relished --- those from 
   other's gardens are the best. 

                                                 Chinese Proverb 

   A small hole can sink a big ship. 

                                                 Russian Proverb 

   Whatever necessity lays on thee, endure; whatever she commands, 

   Better be alone than in bad company. 


   The web of our life is a mingled yarn, good and ill together. 


   A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the 
   value of nothing. 

                                                    Oscar Wilde 

   Measure thy cloth ten times, thou canst cut it but once. 

                                                 Russian Proverb 

   Though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. 


   Go home and make a net if you desire to get fishes. 

                                               Chinese Proverb 

   A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long 


   Long sleep makes a bare back. 

                                      Irish Proverb 

   If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other 
                                               Oriental Proverb 

   The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. 

                                                 Chinese Proverb 

   Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners. 


   He who plants thorns must never expect to gather roses. 

                                                  Arabian Proverb 

   They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing. 

                                                     Hindu Proverb 

   Wit without discretion is a sword in the hand of a fool. 

                                              Spanish Proverb 

   Words are the voice of the heart. 


   If you go to war pray once; if you go on a sea journey pray 
   twice; but pray three times when you are going to be married. 

                                                   Russian Proverb 

   To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. 


   Wisdom is often nearer when we stoop than when we soar. 


   You cannot hang everything on one nail. 

                                                 Russian Proverb 


   A vacant mind is open to all suggestions as a hollow building 
   echos all sounds. 

                                                  Chinese Proverb 

   It takes little effort to watch a man carry a load. 

                                               Chinese Proverb 

   The greater the obstacle the more the glory in overcoming it. 


   All things are less dreadful than they seem. 


   Many take by the bushel and give by the spoon. 

                                                    German Proverb 

   No one knows what he can do till he tries. 

                                                    Latin Proverb 

   What the young one begs for, the grown-up throws away. 

                                                   Russian Proverb 

   Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which 
   difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. 

                                                John Quincy Adams 

   A little and a little, collected together, become a great deal; 
   the heap in the barn consists of single grains, and drop and 
   drop make the inundation. 


   Much wealth will not come if a little does not go. 

                                                 Chinese Proverb 

   It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: 
   What are we busy about? 

   The proper study of mankind is man. 


   The future belongs to him who knows how to wait. 

                                                  Russian Proverb 

   It is only when the cold season comes that we know the pine and 
   cypress to be evergreens. 

                                                 Chinese Proverb 

   Tyrant custom makes a slave of reason. 


   The same fire purifies gold and consumes straw. 

                                                  Italian Proverb 

   You look for the horse you ride on. 

                                             Russian Proverb 

   Beggars mounted ride their horse to death. 


   Love the truth but pardon error. 


   Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound 

   One's good deeds are only known at home; one's bad deeds far 
                                                  Chinese Proverb 

   That day is lost on which one has not laughed. 

                                                 French Proverb 

   A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small package. 


   He who handle pitch besmears himself. 

                                                  German Proverb 

   Hurry is only good for catching flies. 

                                                 Russian Proverb 

   Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in 
   fortune or misfortune at their own pace, like a clock during a 

                                         Robert Louis Stevenson 

   He who is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything 

   In the kingdom of the blind men, the one-eyed is king. 


   Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. 


   Life is a mirror: if you frown at it, it frowns back; if you 
   smile, it returns the greeting. 


   He jests at scars that never felt a wound. 


   The chameleon, who is said to feed upon nothing but air, has of 
   all animals the nimblest tongue. 


   The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest.  


   Look for a thing till you find it and you'll not lose your 

                                              Chinese Proverb 

   One can advise comfortably from a safe port. 


   When one door shuts another opens. 

                                                 Spanish Proverb 

   Do not despise an insignificant enemy or a slight wound. 

                                                   German Proverb 

   An eel held by the tail is not yet caught. 


   Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults. 


   A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit. 


   He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 

                                                   Chinese Proverb 

   Shun idleness. It is a rust that attaches itself to the most 
   brilliant of metals. 

   A man often pays dear for a small frugality. 


   Thach your roof before rainy weather; dig your well before you 
   become parched with thirst. 

                                                   Chinese Proverb 

   He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils. 


   The longest day will have an end. 


   A mile walked with a friend has only one hundred steps. 

                                                 Russian Proverb 

   Brevity is the soul of wit. 


   He who brings himself into needless dangers dies the devil's 

   Though honey is sweet, do not lick it off a briar. 

                                                    Irish Proverb 

   Rotten wood cannot be carved. 

                                       Chinese Proverb 

   Conceit is to nature what paint is to beauty; it is not only 
   needless, but it impairs what it would improve. 


   Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck, leads the flock 
   to fly and follow. 

                                                  Chinese Proverb 

   Mellow nuts have the hardest rind. 


   Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached 
   the shore. 

                                                   Hindu Proverb 

   The dress does not make the friar. 

                                           Spanish Proverb 

   Make every bargain clear and plain, that none may afterwards 


   If the child does not cry, the mother knows not its wants. 

                                               Russian Proverb 

   Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water. 


   Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. 


   The only way to compel men to speak good of us is to do it. 


   Desire beautifies what is ugly. 

                                        Spanish Proverb 

   He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has 

                                                 Arabian Proverb 

   When it rains, it falls on all alike. 


   Good temper, like a sunny day, sheds a ray of brightness over 
   everything: it is the sweetener of toil and the soother of 
                                                 Washington Erving 

   A man's faults all conform to his type of mind.  Observe his 
   faults and you may know his virtues. 


   Good, better, best; never rest till good be better, and better, 


   Burdens become light when cheerfully borne. 


   He who peeps in at his neighbor's window may chance to lose his 
                                                  Arabian Proverb 

   An empty sack cannot stand up. 

                                        Russian Proverb 

   It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-necked bottles; 
   the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring 
   it out. 

   Conceit is God's gift to little men. 


   Evesdroppers never hear any good of themselves. 

                                                   French Proverb 

   Little and often fills the purse. 
                                                   German Proverb 

   Who will eat the kernel of the nut must break the shell. 


   Silence betokens consent. 

                                Persian Proverb 

   A diamond with a flaw is preferable to a common stone with 
                                                  Chinese Proverb 

   The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it. 


   One cannot learn to swim in a field. 

                                              Spanish Proverb 

   It is not only what we do, but what we do not do, for which we 
   are accountable. 


   Winter comes fast on the lazy. 

                                       Irish Proverb 

   Habits are first cobwebs, then cables. 


   Patience is the key of joy; but haste is the key to sorrow. 

                                                   Arabian Proverb 

   When the cat mourns for the mouse do not take her seriously. 

                                               Japanese Proverb 

   Those who know when they have enough are rich. 

                                                 Chinese Proverb           

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