Website owner: James Miller
Elementary sampling theory. Sampling distribution of a statistic. Sampling distribution of means, standard deviations, proportions, differences and sums. Standard errors.
Sampling theory. Sampling theory is a study of relationships existing between a population and samples drawn from that population. It is useful, for example, in the estimation of unknown population quantities (such as population mean, variance, etc.) often called population parameters or briefly parameters, from a knowledge of corresponding sample quantities (such as sample mean, variance, etc.), often called sample statistics or briefly statistics.
Sampling theory is also useful in determining whether observed differences between two samples are actually due to chance variation or whether they are really significant. Such questions arise, for example, in testing a new serum for use in treatment of a disease or in deciding whether one production process is better than another. Answering these kinds of questions involve use of so-called tests of significance and hypotheses which are important in the theory of decisions.
Statistical inference. A study of inferences made concerning a population by use of samples drawn from it, together with indications of the accuracy of such inferences using probability theory, is called statistical inference.
In order that conclusions of sampling theory and statistical inference be valid, samples must be chosen so as to be representative of a population. A study of methods of sampling and the related problems which arise is called the design of the experiment.
One way in which a representative sample may be obtained is by a process called random sampling. In random sampling each member of a population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. One technique for obtaining a random sample is to assign numbers to each member of a population, write these numbers on small pieces of paper, place them in an urn and then draw numbers from the urn, being careful to mix thoroughly before each drawing.
Sampling with and without replacement. If we draw a number from an urn, we have the choice of replacing or not replacing the number into the urn before a second drawing. In the first case the number can come up again and again, whereas in the second it can come up only once. Sampling where each member of a population may be chosen more than once is called sampling with replacement, while if each member cannot be chosen more than once is called sampling without replacement.
Sampling distributions
Def. Sampling distribution of a statistic. Consider all possible samples of size n that can be drawn from a given population (either with or without replacement). For each sample we can compute a statistic, such as the mean, standard deviation, etc. We thus obtain a distribution of the statistic which is called its sampling distribution.
Example. Consider a normal population with a mean μ and variance σ2. Assume we repeatedly
take samples of a given size from this population and calculate the arithmetic mean
for each
sample — this statistic is called the sample mean. The distribution of these means is called the
“sampling distribution of the sample mean”.
Standard error. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic is referred to as the standard error of that quantity.
Thus the sampling distribution of a statistic is the distribution of the statistic for all possible samples of a given sample size from the given population. If, for example the particular statistic used is the sample mean, the distribution is called the sampling distribution of the means or the sampling distribution of the mean. Similarly we could have sampling distributions of standard deviations, variances, medians, proportions, etc.
For each sampling distribution, we can compute the mean, standard deviation, etc. Thus we can speak of the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of means, etc.
See Fig. 1 for an example of a computation of a sampling distribution of means.
Sampling distribution of means
Theorem 1. Suppose all possible samples of size ns are drawn without replacement from a finite
population of size np where np > ns. Let us denote the mean and standard deviation of the
sampling distribution of the mean by
and the population mean and standard
deviation by μp and σp respectively. Then
If the population is infinite or if sampling is with replacement, the above results reduce to
For sample sizes of n ≥30 the sample mean μs is a very close approximation to the population mean μp and the sample standard deviation σs is a very close approximation to the population standard deviation σp. In solving problems the population mean μp and standard deviation σp will generally not be known and the computed values of the sample mean μs and standard deviation σs are used.
For large values of n (n ≥30) the sampling distribution of means is approximately a normal
distribution with mean
and standard deviation
irrespective of the population (so long as
the population mean and variance are finite and the population size is at least the sample size).
In case the population is normally distributed, the sampling distribution of means is also normally distributed even for small values of n (i.e. n < 30).
Sampling distribution of proportions
Theorem 2. Suppose that a population is infinite and that the probability of occurrence of an event (called its success) is p while the probability of non-occurrence of the event is q = 1 - p. For example, the population may be all possible tosses of a fair coin in which the probability of the event “heads” is p = ½.
Consider all possible samples of size ns drawn from this population, and for each sample
determine the proportion P of successes. In case of the coin, P would be the proportion of heads
turning up in n tosses. Then we obtain a sampling distribution of proportions whose mean
and standard deviation
are given by
which can be obtained from 2) by placing μ = p and
For large values of ns (ns ≥30) the sampling distribution is very closely normally distributed. Note that the population is binomially distributed.
The equations 3) are also valid for a finite population in which sampling is with replacement.
For finite populations in which sampling is without replacement, equations 3) are replaced by
equations 1) with μ = p and
Note that equations 3) are obtained most easily by dividing the mean and standard deviation (np
) of the binomial distribution by ns.
Sampling distribution of differences and sums
Theorem 3. Suppose that we are given two populations. For each sample of size n1 drawn
from the first population let us compute a statistic S1. This yields a sampling distribution for the
statistic S1 whose mean and standard deviation we denote by
respectively. Similarly,
for each sample of size n2 drawn from the second population let us compute a statistic S2. This
yields a sampling distribution for the statistic S2 whose mean and standard deviation are denoted
. From all possible combinations of these samples from the two populations we
can obtain a distribution of the differences, S1 - S2, which is called the sampling distribution of
differences of the statistics. The mean and standard deviation of this sampling distribution,
denoted respectively by
, are given by
provided that the samples chosen do not in any way depend on each other, i.e. the samples are independent.
If S1 and S2 are sample means from the two populations, which we denote by
, then
the sampling distribution of the differences of means is given for infinite populations with mean
and standard deviations μ1, σ1 and μ2, σ2 respectively by
using equations 2). The result also holds for finite populations if sampling is with replacement. Similar results can be obtained for finite populations in which sampling is without replacement by using equations 1).
Corresponding results can be obtained for the sampling distributions of differences of proportions from two binomially distributed populations with parameters p1, q1 and p2, q2 respectively. In this case S1 and S2 correspond to the proportion of successes, P1 and P2, respectively. In this case S1 and S2 correspond to the proportion of successes, P1 and P2, and equations 4) yield the results
If n1 and n2 are large (n1, n2 ≥30) the sampling distributions of differences of means or proportions are very closely normally distributed.
It is sometimes useful to speak of a sampling distribution of the sum of statistics. The mean and standard deviation of this distribution are given by
Standard errors. The standard deviation of a sampling distribution of a statistic is often called its standard error. In Table 1 are listed standard errors of sampling distributions for various statistics under the conditions of random sampling from an infinite (or very large) population or sampling with replacement from a finite population. Also listed are special remarks giving conditions under which results are valid and other pertinent statements.
The sample size is denoted by N. The quantities μ, σ, p, μr and
,s, P, mr denote respectively the
population and sample means, standard deviations, proportions and rth moments about the mean.
It is noted that if the sample size N is large enough, the sampling distributions are normal or nearly normal. For this reason the methods are known as large sampling methods. When N < 30, samples are called small. The theory of small samples is treated under “Small Sampling Theory”.
Much of the above excerpted from Murray R. Spiegel. Statistics. Schaum.
For examples, worked problems, and clarification see Theory and Problems of Statistics by Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum’s Outline Series, Schaum Publishing Co.
Murray R Spiegel. Statistics (Schaum Publishing Co.)
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