Website owner: James Miller
Vector functions of a vector variable. The system
can be abbreviated as
and viewed as a mapping of vectors
of some domain D in a vector space V into vectors
in a
vector space W. It maps an n-tuple (x1, x2, ... ,xn) in V into an m-tuple (y1, y2, ... ,ym) in W. Thus
f can be viewed as a vector function of a vector variable assigning vectors to vectors. The
independent variable
is a vector and the dependent variable
is a vector.
Example. In Differential Geometry the usual way of defining a surface in space is through parametric equations of the form
x = f(u, v)
3) y = g(u, v)
z = h(u, v)
where f, g, h are continuous functions defined on a simply connected region R of the uv-plane. We view this as a mapping from region R of the uv-plane into xyz-space. Let us re-write 3) with a different choice of notation as
y1 = f1(x1, x2)
4) y2 = f2(x1, x2)
y3 = f3(x1, x2)
where instead of the variables u, v we use x1, x2 and instead of x, y, z we use y1, y2, y3. We can then abbreviate 4) as
and view it as a vector function of a vector variable. We thus view
as the position vector of a
point P in the uv-coordinate system and
as the position vector of the image of point P in the
xyz-coordinate system.
Directional derivative (of a vector function of a vector variable). In Vector Analysis we encounter the concept of the derivative of a vector function of a real variable. We will now define the concept of the directional derivative of a vector function of a vector variable. Let a vector function of a vector variable
be defined on a domain D of a vector space V. The directional derivative of the function f is the derivative of f at a specified point in the domain computed for a specified direction.
be a vector in V. Let
be a nonzero vector in V. The directional derivative is defined as
Def. Directional derivative. The directional derivative of the function f at the point
in the
is the vector
whenever the limit exists.
In evaluating the limit in 7) we regard f as a function of h along the line
. Let us
denote the function
by F(h). Then
i.e. the directional derivative in the direction of
is given by the derivative of F(h) =
with respect to h evaluated at h = 0.
For an intuitive understanding of what the directional derivative is let us consider a surface S in space defined by the parametric equations
x = f(u, v)
10) y = g(u, v)
z = h(u, v)
where f, g, h are continuous functions defined on a simply connected region R of the uv-plane. See Fig. 1. Let us again change notation as we did before and write 10) as
y1 = f1(x1, x2)
11) y2 = f2(x1, x2)
y3 = f3(x1, x2)
where instead of the variables u, v we use x1, x2 and instead of x, y, z we use y1, y2, y3. We can then abbreviate 4) as
and view it as a
vector function
of a vector
variable. We thus view
as the position vector of a point P in the uv-coordinate system and
as the position vector of the image of point P in the xyz-coordinate system. In Fig.1 note that
traces out, as h varies, a line through
in the direction of
and that
, the image of the line, is a curve on surface S.
It can thus be seen that the directional derivative
is a vector that is tangent to the curve
at the point
Problem. Compute the directional derivative of the function
in the direction of a vector
Solution. The function
has been given in the form
which is equivalent to the system
y1 = f1(x1, x2)
15) y2 = f2(x1, x2)
y3 = f3(x1, x2)
We compute the directional derivative in a three step procedure:
Step 1. Form the function F(h). In the general problem, the functions f1(x1, x2, ...), f2(x1, x2,
...), etc. are functions of the components x1, x2, ... of the vector
. We form F(h) by replacing,
in each function fj(x1, x2, ...) and for each xi, all occurrences of the
component xi with the
expression (xi + hui). So replacing x1 by (x1 + hu1) and x2 by (x2 + hu2) in 13) we obtain
Step 2. Compute dF(h)/dh. Computing the derivative of 17) with respect to h we get
Step 3. Evaluate dF(h)/dh at h = 0. Evaluating 18) at h = 0 we get
Vectors, bases and coordinate systems. In general, vectors in a vector space are referred, either implicitly or explicitly, to some basis. In a space of n dimensions a basis can consist of any n linearly independent vectors. One chooses any n linearly independent vectors that he pleases and then these n vectors act as kind of framework or oblique coordinate system to which all other vectors are referenced. Since in spaces of dimension greater that three the regular type of coordinate system (i.e. a rectangular Cartesian system) is not possible, this is the type of “coordinate system” that is employed. In the space of three dimensions this type of coordinate system would consist of any set of three linearly independent vectors (i.e. three vectors not all lying in the same plane) and would constitute an “oblique” coordinate system in which the coordinate axes were, in general, not perpendicular to each other and, moreover, with units in the direction of the vectors, that, instead of being unity as in a Cartesian system, are the length of the vectors. There is, however, in an n-dimensional space, one particular basis, called the natural basis, that is implied if no other basis is explicitly stated. It is the basis consisting of the elementary unit vectors
e1 = (1,0, ..., 0)
e2 = (0,1, ..., 0)
en = (0,0, ..., 1) .
In three dimensional space these elementary unit vectors correspond to the three unit vectors
in the direction of the x, y and z axes familiar from Vector Analysis. In representing
vector functions of the type we have been considering,
, functions are often represented
in the form
where the
are the m basis vectors. Usually these basis vectors will be the
elementary unit vectors (corresponding to
of three dimensional space). Also, the
independent variable
will expressed in terms of basis vectors i.e.
where the
will generally be the elementary unit vectors.
Directional derivative in the direction of a basis vector.
Theorem. Given the function
Then the derivative of
at point
in the direction of the basis vector ek is equal to the
partial derivative of
with respect to the k-th component of
Example. Let
Class of a vector function. If a function
is continuous over its domain D, we say
that it belongs to class C 0 in D. If all its first order derivatives
exist and are continuous we say that it belongs to class C 1 in D. A vector function f is of class C m in a domain D if all m-th order derivatives
exist and are continuous in D.
If a function is of order C m it is also of order C 0, C 1, ... , C m-1.
Theorem 1. If a function f is of class C m then in an m-th order derivative the order of differentiation is immaterial e.g.
Formula for the directional derivative of a function of class C 1.
Theorem 2. Let
be a function of class C 1. Then the derivative of
in the direction
is given by
where x1, x2, ..., xn are the n components of
and u1, u2, ..., un are the n components of
Example. Let
Higher order directional derivatives. Suppose a function
has a derivative
in a fixed direction
at every point
in its domain D. Then
itself is a function of
D and we can consider its derivative in a direction
, if it exists, is called a
second order directional derivative of f at
and is denoted by
Higher order
derivatives are defined in the same way. For example,
is a third order directional
derivative at
and is denoted by
Components of second order derivatives in the direction of the basis vectors. Let (e1, e2, ... , en) be the basis in V. Then
Thus we see that the components of the second order derivatives in the direction of the basis vectors are the second order partial derivatives of the function components f1, f2, ... , fn.
Formulas for directional derivatives of higher orders. Suppose
is of
class C 2 in its domain D. Then, from Theorem 2,
Then, since
is differentiable, we can take a second derivative in the
Similar formulas hold for higher order derivatives. For example,
Example. Let
Theorem 3. Taylor’s Formula. If
is of class C m in a neighborhood of
then for
sufficiently close to
Lipschutz. Differential Geometry. Chap. 7
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