Website owner:  James Miller

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Inventions, discoveries, seminal works


850 AD           Chinese invent gunpowder

1450                Invention of printing press by Johannes Gutenberg

1492                Columbus discovers America

1517                Luther: 95 theses against indulgences

1522                Magellan circumnavigates the earth

1543                Copernicus: theory of sun-centered universe

1543                Vesalius: “On the structure of the human body” — beginning of science of anatomy

1556                Agricola: De Re Metallica, 12 volume work on mining and metallurgy

1591                Vieta: invents symbolic algebra

1600                Gilbert: De Magnete (work on magnetism)

1610                Galileo: Starry messenger

1618                Kepler: On celestial harmonies

1628                Harvey: theory of circulation of blood

1637                Descartes: analytic geometry

1661                Boyle: Sceptical Chymist

1678                Huygens: Treatise on Light

1687                Newton: Principia

1730's             Linnaeus: classification of plants

1740's             Franklin, Du Fay: work in electrostatics

1774                Priestley: discovery of oxygen

1775                James Watt: improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 Newcomen steam engine with his Watt steam engine (the first practical steam engine)

1785                Coulomb: electric force law

1785                Hutton: Theory of the earth

1780's             Rumford: experiments on the nature of heat

1750 - 1800    Euler, D’Alembert, Lagrange: mathematization of mechanics

1789                Lavoisier: Elements of Chemistry

1798                Edward Jenner: smallpox vaccination

1800                Laplace: Celestial Mechanics

1808                Dalton: atomic theory

1810's             Cuvier, Lamarck: paleontology

1821                Cauchy: foundations of calculus

1800 - 1820    Volta, Oersted, Ampere: work in current electricity and electromagnetism

1800 - 1860    Faraday: research on electricity

1840's             Joule, Mayer: conservation of energy 

1859                Darwin: Origin of Species

1860's             Maxwell: electromagnetic theory

1863                Pasteur: microbiology

1866                Mendel: heredity

1867                Joseph Lister: use of antiseptic in surgery

1869                Periodic table of elements

1872                Brayton internal combustion engine

1876                Alexander Graham Bell: telephone

1882                Robert Koch: discovered the bacterial cause of tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid fever, diphtheria, and other diseases

1886                Bentz: automobile

1895                Roentgen: discovery of X-rays

1898                Radium discovered

1903                Wright brothers: airplane

1905                Einstein: theory of relativity, photon concept

1911 - 1913    Bohr, Rutherford: atomic model

1920 - 1930's  Quantum mechanics

1939                Atomic fission

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