Website owner: James Miller
PARALLELS BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND EVANGELICALISM 12/91 There are parallels between the fanatical Communist and the fanatical evangelical: They are both committed to an ideal that is unrealistic, a body of doctrine that doesn't correspond to Reality. They are both victims of brainwashing, hypnosis and self-deception. They are both intellectually dishonest. They both need to keep hearing their own lies over and over to keep going. They are both subject to the psychological consequences of personal self-deception. What is the core of the evangelical lie? It is the evangelical's recipe for salvation: the idea that one's salvation is guaranteed by a simple, ritualistic act, a magic formula i.e. "confessing Jesus before men", "believing in Jesus", "going forward", the act of "accepting Christ as Savior". It is something that is the main thrust of all their sermons, something they repeat over and over, harp on continually. And it is dangerous because it is half true --- it is a half truth. All of their doctrine is shaped and molded to this idea. They keep repeating the lie to themselves, hypnotize themselves, believe it through constant repetition.