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Unmasking Islam’s innate deceptions

Following are some excerpts from Chapter 15, Unmasking Islam’s innate deceptions, of Forbidden Miracles by Mina Nevisa. The book Forbidden Miracles is available from Touch of Christ Ministries, P.O. Box 2861, Fairfax, VA 22031. Web site: I highly recommend the book.

Slippery Al Taqiyya

To understand Islam, one must understand how Muslims commit to personal integrity and how the policy of speaking the truth differs from Christianity.

Often for Americans, their word is their bond, and verbal agreements will hold up in courts of law. Working contracts are enforceable by verbal agreement and a handshake. It does not work that way with Islam, especially in dealing with those looked upon as inferior infidels.

An Islamic tenet that sanctions dishonesty, Al Taqiyya permits telling lies to extend the purposes of Islam, to protect the interest of a Muslim, and to restore peace when a conflict is inconvenient. This ruling’s permissiveness to misrepresent truth has slipped into everyday Muslim life. Islam is loaded with duplicities. They espouse that the Quran is the final word on the beliefs and practices of Muslims. That is not true. The Hadith writings of Muhammad’s closest associates, the sunnah (way of life) of the prophet’s lifestyle, Shariah Law, and the fatwa decrees of ancient and contemporary ayatollahs carry equal weight. Any one of these authoritative sources can be used to transform that which is haram, or forbidden, into that which is halal, or permissible. For instance, the practice of homosexual relationships between consenting adults carries the death penalty, although prepubescent boys who do not have beards are fair targets for the evil concupiscence of an adult.

Islam would have us believe that Muhammadism is an honorable, harmless traditional religion when it is actually a political system filled with smoke and mirrors that operates under the disguise of a godly system. The goal is to make every citizen of the planet subservient to Allah and Shariah Law. To that end, there is no lie too outrageous to spin and no life so valuable that it cannot be sacrificed.

Al Taqiyya is in play when Islamic stronghold nations’ diplomats make agreements with Western democracies. The usual outcome is that the agreement dissolves in the Islamic diplomats’ intentions the minute they leave the conference table.

Culture clashes


Whenever the topic of the world’s religions comes up, most people shift into preconceived assumptions. These notions are based on their cultural worldview and exposure to the religion in focus. A routine supposition is that the older and larger a faith is, the more sensible and peace-producing its tenets will be. It is at this point that many are fooled into giving Islam a free pass, since it is 14 centuries old and has 1.8 billion adherents worldwide. People automatically think that Muslim culture has more similarities than dissimilarities to theirs and reason, incorrectly, that any differences are minor.

Though it is hard for Americans to imagine, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to discussions about Islam. Because of America’s vast influence, many believe that all countries view the USA’s culture as the enviable model. They tend to think that most countries share their values and respond to civic and familial issues the same way as they.

This is far from the truth with regard to Islam.

For example, US citizens are sensitive about the treatment of prisoners. Any guard caught physically mistreating an inmate would be reprimanded and put on probation subject to dismissal. This in not the case in Evin Prison, Tehran’s main prison. One Islamic rule mandates that virgins cannot be sentenced to death. Therefore, a young girl who commits apostasy by rejecting Islam and converting to Christianity is systematically torture-raped by jailkeepers prior to her execution. Why? They want assurance that she is not a virgin at the time of execution. And the guards return home at the end of their shifts to enjoy their wives and play with their children as though nothing ever happened.

In July 2018, an Iranian was publically flogged with 80 lashings — it was discovered that he had carried bottles of wine to a wedding 10 years previously, violating Islam’s strict ban on the consumption of alcohol. Shariah Law has no statute of limitations for crimes against Islam. Many have been flogged and even stoned years after the crime was supposedly committed. When men or women are stoned to death, choosing the right stones is a Muslim art form. The rocks should not be so heavy as to kill instantly or so light as not to injure. The objective is to prolong the agony as long as possible.

All that you read is unacceptable in Christianized cultures but taken in stride in Islamized nations. It might be said that news media reports about terrorism inadvertently forced Western exposure to Islam. Viewers wanted answers. Why were Muslims who were welcomed in the US now slaughtering Americans visiting the Middle East with unprovoked attack, while yelling “Allah Akbar” at the top of their lungs. Most non-Muslims could not wrap their heads around the idea that members of the world’s second largest religion would incessantly praise their deity when maiming and murdering innocents.

Were you to explore world statistics regarding societal unrest, violent rioting, crimes against humanity, armed militants executing non-combatant civilians, spousal and child abuse, gender bias, or injurious tensions between different faiths and religious persecutions, you would soon discover that Muslim’s misbehavior is the most obvious common denominator. When compared to any other religion, Islam has a disproportionate responsibility in inciting more familial, homeland, and international troubles than any other on the planet. In 80% of listed outbreaks of mayhem globally, Islam’s pushes for political-religious control are in the mix.

Some might find it brash, but I believe that if Muhammed, the Quran, and Islam were miraculously extracted from the human equation, the world would instantly be a more civilized, productive, and peaceful place. This reality is indisputable. Anyone who has boarded commercial flights anywhere worldwide in the last 20 years has experienced reminders of this truth. You can thank Islam for the long lines, body scans, and embarrassing patdowns, and for having to remove your shoes and endure interrogations at the whim of bored security agents.

Horrid practices

Islam puts a priority on sex in its traditions and holy writ that is not found in Christianity. The Bible authorizes believers to enjoy sex between a male and female marriage partner. According to traditional Christian beliefs, adultery, promiscuity, homosexuality, and bestiality are expressly forbidden; all are considered sins. Anyone who is guilty and unrepentant will end up in the Lake of Fire. Within Christianity, sexual relations are reserved for marriage and are restricted to our time on earth. Unlike in Muslim beliefs, there will be no such activities in heaven as we will all be joined to the Lord (Ephesians 5:31- 32).

The Muslim concept of Paradise is different. Their Paradise is devoted to activities that Christians consider sinful. Muhammad promised that Allah would grant male warriors who died in defense of Allah and Islam special rewards: the capability in Paradise for uninterrupted romance with virgins and beautiful young boys. Here on earth, Islam superficially has typical prohibitions against adultery, homosexuality, and bestiality. However, Muhammad was very given to sensual excesses.

 Because of the precedents that he established, consecutive generations of high-ranking menbers of Islam’s leadership have assumed the same right. To make it appear “halal,” they have decreed loopholes with fatwas that justify sinful behavior that would otherwise be condemned. For instance, adultery is condemned. However, if a man is attracted to a woman, no problem. He can arrange a temporary marriage and take her home to his wives and kids for as long as the contract lasts. Then he gets a divorce decree and all goes back to normal. The ruling on bestiality is more restrictive. Relations with a wild animal are not permitted, but sex with a domesticated beast is. Yet subsequently, that particular animal cannot be consumed as food.

It is not unheard of for powerful, wealthy Muslims to arrange temporary marriages with the very young daughters of poorer families. How and why can they engage in such decadence? It is because Muhammad used Aisha, his six-year-old bride, in the same way before fully consummating the marriage when she was nine. In Islam, Muhammad is the epitome of perfection as a righteous role model for all men to emulate. His path (sunnah) carries as much authority as the Quran.


There is plenty of historical documentation concerning Muhammad’s bizarre personal treatment of women and children. For the sake of decency, we will not describe it in detail. Suffice it to say, his actions were brutal and obscene and would qualify as a criminal battery in Christianized nations of today. There is an old adage that says, “fish rot from the head down.” This has proved true with Islam. The rottenness that Muhammad had in his perverse hungers has passed down to the 21st century. A large percentage of Muslim men — whether the highest ayatollahs, jihadists, and members of radical Islamic movements, or immigrants to Europe and the USA, or citizens of Islamic countries — often lead secret lives of sin. They have no pangs of conscience about their cruelties because Muhammad set the precedent and he is supposed to be the ideal role model.

The Plight of Women

There’s a tremendous contrast between the way women are treated in Christianity versus Islam. The Bible dictates that husbands are to love their wives even as they love their own bodies. It teaches that husband and wife are one flesh and are joint heirs of all the blessings that God makes available in life. Husbands are admonished to be the nurturers and protectors of their wives by validating their troubles and concerns with kind words. In short, Christian husbands are to provide their wives with love and security.

The Muslim marriage does not have the same goals.

It would be an exaggeration for us to assert that successful, harmonious marriages do not happen within Islam. To the contrary, my grandparents and my parents had marvelous marriages. One thing that really helped was that my grandpa and my dad never took a second wife. Neither did they practice nikia, temporary marriages where Muslim men bring loose women into their homes. The practice deeply wounds wives as it turns their and their children’s emotions upside down. Taking additional wives (often up to three) strains household harmony even more.

With Islam, marriage is not designed to create a loving partnership. The objective is lopsided: to serve the whims and desires of men. A wife is never guaranteed security on a number of fronts. Strange women can be forced upon her household at any time as new wives. Previously we talked about the emotional IED explosives that can detonate if Muslim dignity is offended. A woman can be beaten to death in such a case, and the man would not be charged with a crime as she is seen as his property. Thousands of innocent women have been martyred when their faith in Christ was discovered.

With Muslim women, the insecurity worsens when they go into the public byways of Islamic society. Mutawa, secret religious police, watch for infractions constantly. They look for women to make a mistake in Islamic hijab and burqa dress or even to demonstrate a fun-loving demeanor in public. The police can flog them publicly on the spot. The claim of any woman that she was sexually assaulted will not be validated unless she has four eyewitnesses who verify it was rape rather than consensual. Many innocent women have been stoned to death.

As you can see, many Muslim women live with private and public, night and day doubts about their lives. They are living examples of the curse of Deuteronomy 28:66: “Life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life.”

I am persuaded that the Holy Spirit guided me to think along these lines. The Bible teaches that God has inscribed His laws on the hearts of all men everywhere. It causes their consciences to either accuse them or excuse them when considering questionable behavior. The idea of a temporary nikia marriage to satisfy perverse lusts with another woman was always revolting to me. Something within me told me that especially a man of God should be dignified with holy living and ought to have disciplined sexual appetites. What bothered me was that even though Muhammad claimed himself the greatest prophet who ever lived, he knew no restraints. He took his own stepson’s beautiful wife for his own. He led men in raping the wives and daughters of an Arabian Jewish tribe on the very ground where the tribe’s husbands and fathers had been decapitated. Muhammad had 13 wives and numerous captive concubines. He even took six-year-old child to become his wife.

Islam has basically the same restrictions on certain sexual activities as Christianity. However, Muhammad and many Islamic clergy since issued special fatwa decrees that undo the laws.


The claim of Muhammad and of Islam is that the Quran is the infallible word of Allah that traveled straight from the deity’s lips into the ears of Muhammad during his lifetime. The following unveiling was a big thorn in the side of Islamic scholars.

In 1972, tens of thousands of Quran fragments were discovered in a grave in a Yemen mosque. Serious study by German archeological linguists dated the fragments to the seventh and eight centuries. Many of the documents bore evidence that previous Quaranic texts had been washed off and replaced or written over.

This strongly suggests something dramatically significant about the oldest surviving fragments of the Quran in existence: The Quran’s text evolved over time. This is a direct contradiction to the myth that revelatory installments of Allah’s Word descended from heaven to the Prophet Muhammad prior to his death in AD 632.

See also:

On the Koran and Islamic Belief and Outlook

Stance of the Koran on Jesus and Christianity

Islamic Hatred, Bigotry and Violence                                    

How can a country defend itself against an enemy like this?

Christianity v.s. Islam, a Comparison

The Koran

YouTube        PBS Frontline             Afghanistan Undercover

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