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If you don’t accept homosexuality you are a hater

A great portion of modern politically correct liberal thought is obsessed with the sexual perversions of the homosexual / lesbian / transgender type and an effort to pressure the general populace into accepting this type of behavior. For example, all of this obsession with male and female pronouns and the current liberal endeavor to abolish them and replace them with neutral pronouns. (What a bunch of eggheaded foolishness that is!) All of which is connected with the latest fashion in men and women with the inclination to do so getting sex change operations. Underneath all of this is Leftist beliefs and assumptions in which, instead of viewing these behaviors as abnormal, perverted behaviors, they have a revolutionary new outlook: these behaviors are all just part of a normal sexual continuum involving both heterosexual and homosexual feelings and attractions. The binary male/ female idea that most people are accustomed to and that holds for all the rest of creation is now out of date. The new normal is a spectrum of sexual orientations.

For many years the radical Left has been pushing acceptance of homosexuality hard. Resisting it is absolutely unacceptable. If you don’t accept it, if you view it as perverted or sick, you are a hater. You are an evil person.

Christianity condemns homosexuality. Christianity stresses moral purity and chastity. It teaches that people guilty of this kind of perverted behavior will go to hell. This kind of behavior is not compatible with Christianity. Now homosexuals, lesbians, and transgender types represent only a very small percent of the population. Yet western governments are trying to force a change in the Christian moral outlooks and values of entire populations for the sake of the feelings of these tiny minority groups. Does this sound like the tail wagging the dog? Does this sound like the work of Satan?

If I don’t accept this kind of conduct I am accused of being a hater. Let me ask this question: If I say that murder is wrong, does that make me a hater? If I say stealing is wrong, does that make me a hater? It is the very same thing. The logic is the very same. If I think some behavior is wrong, that makes me a hater. Not accepting the behavior is a crime against the person guilty of that behavior. What is actually behind all of this is an attempt to manipulate people’s minds. It is all high trickery and dishonesty. The gay / lesbian community is determined to reprogram the mind of the masses. It is determined to change public perception of them. What is really behind it is that old phenomenon: When a person is guilty of a really gross, unspeakable sin instead of being repentant he brazenly declares that it is not sin at all! He brazenly faces the world and denies that what he is doing is wrong. If you don’t accept his conduct then it is you who is the bad person! There! He has turned the tables on you! I guess they call that gaslighting — that psychological manipulation where someone tries to turn everything around so as to make you the villain and not them. We live in a nasty world. That is the way bad, malicious people fight.

Behind all of this Orwellian 1984 type “new think” is a lot of bitter hatred of Christianity. It is a huge effort to replace Christianity.

7 Feb 2021

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