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“Sex education” fraud

The following is from Thomas Sowell. Is Reality Optional? pp. 123 - 125.


“Sex education” fraud


THERE WAS A RECENT FLAP in New York City over first-grade textbooks about "daddy's room mate" and a girl who "has two mommies." Both books were designed to accustom first-graders to the idea of homosexual parents.


The flap was over one school district that objected, not all the other districts that quietly accepted this re-making of social values as a role for the public schools. Even in the one unwilling school district, some objected only that the first grade was too early for this kind of thing.


Much of this missed the point. What are American public schools doing getting into such things in the first place? Do they have time and energy to dissipate in ideological crusades to re-shape the values of other people's children when educators are failing miserably to convey the academic skills they are being paid to teach?


No small part of the reason why American school children fall so far behind their contemporaries in other countries in international comparisons of educational achievement is that Japanese and other youngsters are studying math, science, and other solid subjects while our children are being brainwashed with the latest ideological fashions—whether about homosexuality, environmentalism, multiculturalism, or a thousand other non-academic distractions.


Too many critics have allowed themselves to be drawn off on a tangent to discuss the merits or demerits of these particular ideologies. The more fundamental objection to teaching this stuff is that we are not sending our children to school to have their values and psyches re-molded to suit ideological zealots on world-saving crusades. It is cheap, cowardly, and dishonest to target children—and especially to do so behind the backs of their parents.


Let these crusaders pick on somebody their own size, instead of taking advantage of children who were entrusted to their care for entirely different purposes.


Few parents or citizens realize the pervasiveness of classroom brainwashing, or the utter dishonesty with which it is smuggled into the schools under misleading labels.


Does anyone ask himself why it should take years and years to teach school children so-called "sex-education"? Obviously it does not. What takes years and years is to wear down the values they were taught at home and lead them toward wholly different attitudes and wholly different conceptions of the world.


Brainwashing takes time—and it takes this time away from academic subjects.


First-grade textbooks promoting homosexual lifestyles are only the opening salvo in year after year of assaulting children's values. The issue is not homosexuality or the relative merits of traditional versus avant-garde beliefs. The issue is: Whose children are these?


By what right do other people usurp the responsibilities of parents and use the schools to carry on guerilla warfare against the values that parents have taught their children?


Sex education is just the tip of the iceberg. There is, for example, also "death education," which often includes excursions to morgues, funeral homes, and graveyards—as well as classroom exercises in which children are asked who should live and who should die (including members of their own families) when a lifeboat is too overcrowded to hold everyone.


What is the purpose of all this? Whether the subject is sex education, death education, environmentalism, nuclear power, or innumerable other ideological issues, the purpose is to impose the attitudes, values, and world outlook of the anointed on other people's children.


The zealots know what they are doing, and are well aware of its illegitimacy. One teacher's manual for a widely-used program includes instructions on how to evade parent's complaints and how to deal with students who don't go along.


A mother who complains individually is almost certain to be told that she is the only one who has ever objected. There may be controversies raging from coast to coast, and even lawsuits filed over the program, but you will still be told that you are the only one who has complained.


Complain in a group and the cry will be "censorship." The education establishment knows how to play the game of heads-I-win- and-tails-you-lose.


To the media, each program is an "innovation" to be judged in isolation—and usually not very critically. They do not understand that each program, which may seem only questionable in isolation, is part of a much larger brainwashing effort—and it is that distortion of the whole purpose of American education which is truly outrageous.


Clausewitz said that war was the continuation of politics by other means. Too many people in the education establishment, at all levels, treat education as the continuation of ideological crusades by other means.


The glib gurus who set the trends are at war with all the fundamental values of this country and this civilization. You would have to know these people, or read their writings, or see their "art," to understand the venom in their hatred. To such people, our children's education is a small sacrifice on the altar to their vision.






Satan sits on the throne in this country. That is all I can say. What can one do? Homeschool your children. Do what the Amish have done and exit the society. See The Christian Brotherhood.




12 May 2024

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