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On systemic discrimination against blacks

It has become an assumption among the liberal Left today that the only possible explanation for the fact that blacks do so poorly in so many areas compared to whites (or other races) is “systemic discrimination”. This assertion is absurd but it seems now to be accepted by all of our Leftist intelligentsia. The foolish assertion keeps being repeated so much that the masses of liberal bent come to believe it.

I ask the question: What kinds of things may cause one individual to do very well in life and another individual to do poorly? Let us list some.

1. Emphasis on education. How well one does in school. Hard study and mental effort in school studies has the effect of transforming, strengthening and enlightening the mind. Studying subjects such as mathematics, physics, or engineering gives one an advantage in life. I and my brother are the only ones of our many cousins who went on to college (my brother went to the same college as I and got a degree in electrical engineering). I went because I wanted to go, it was my goal, and I worked hard for that goal. (My brother didn’t want to go but my parents pushed him to go.) Furthermore, there were very few of the students in the high school that my brother and I attended that went on to college.

2. Good habits (such as industriousness, perseverance, etc.). People with good habits tend to do better in life than those with bad habits. Serious, diligent people do better than light-hearted, lazy people.

3. Chance. A great many people who do well can really thank only chance for their success. They were in the right place at the right time; they knew the right person who helped them; they had the right connections. It seems like some people are just very lucky and that others are just very unlucky. It may not seem fair but it is true.

4. The social class you are born into. The child of college educated parents is far more likely to go on to college than the child of a single welfare mother. A child of a medical doctor is likely to have high expectations of himself. Why? College educated parents expect their child to go on to college and prepare him for it from a young age. They appreciate the importance of education and pass that appreciation on to their child. The welfare mother has no such expectation for her child or appreciation of education.

We have talked about the kind of things that can cause differences in outcomes for individuals. Now let us talk about how differences in outcomes for different ethnic groups of people can come about. It all has to do with the attitudes, outlooks, and mentality of different groups. The way they think, their mentality, their attitudes on schooling. The people of western European countries (England, France, Germany, etc.) for a long time had much higher IQ scores than people from the countries of eastern Europe. Why? People from countries like Germany traditionally put a lot of value on reading, writing, and education and people of the countries of Eastern Europe didn’t. People from the hillbilly parts of our country tend to score much lower on IQ tests than people in our northeastern states. It is the same reason. Schooling requires a lot of work spread out over a number of years. Some cultures think it is worth all of the work and effort and others don’t.

Thomas Sowell has a lot to say on this subject. See On intellectualism, liberalism and the Left. Thomas Sowell.

5 Oct 2023

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